The Dance of Flames in the Night

25 Oct 2024

In the hushed breath of twilight's descent,
Where shadows weave their dark intent,
A single spark ignites the air,
Dancing wild and free from care.
Amber fingers reach and sway,
As darkness yields to crimson play,
Each flicker writes a story bold,
In scripts of copper, bronze, and gold.
Through cedar smoke and starlit sky,
Ancient spirits seem to fly,
Carrying whispers from the past,
Of fire-songs meant to last.

We circle 'round the rising flame,
Each face illumined, none the same,
Some etched with time's persistent hand,
Others young in this firelit land.
The drummer starts a primal beat,
As flames leap high in sacred heat,
Casting shadows on the ground,
Where mysteries profound are found.
Like moths drawn to the burning bright,
We're pulled into this dance tonight,
Our souls connecting with the fire,
Rising higher, ever higher.

See how the flames transform and shift,
Each burning tongue a precious gift,
Now dragon's breath, now phoenix wing,
Now spirits wild that dance and sing.
In ember-glow and spark-filled air,
Released from bonds of earthly care,
We witness nature's fierce delight,
In this combustion burning bright.
The fire speaks in crackling verse,
Tales of cosmos, tales diverse,
Of stars that fell to touch the earth,
Of death and ash and fiery birth.

Listen close to flames that speak
In tongues both ancient and unique,
Each pop and hiss a syllable,
Each flicker making visible
The stories hidden in the night,
Revealed by this enchanted light,
Of lovers lost and battles won,
Of journeys ended, just begun.
The smoke forms letters in the air,
Writing messages so rare,
That only those who truly see
Can read this burning poetry.

In firelight, faces from the past
Dance with present, nothing lasts,
Yet everything is permanent
In this eternal element.
I see my grandmother's wise eyes
Reflected in these burning skies,
And futures yet to come unfold
In patterns precious to behold.
The flames remind us of our core,
The burning heart we can't ignore,
That drives us forward day by day,
Through shadow-times to find our way.

Earth feeds fire with ancient wood,
Air swirls flames just as it should,
Water drinks the smoke above,
As elements unite in love.
In this dance of primal force,
We trace creation to its source,
Where spark meets matter, time meets space,
And every soul can find its place.
The fire burns in patterns true,
Orange and red and deepest blue,
Teaching lessons pure and clear
To those who gather close to hear.

Around the fire, stories flow
Like rivers lit by ember-glow,
Each tale a spark that lights the mind,
Leaving daily cares behind.
Children's laughter fills the night,
Their faces glowing with delight,
As older ones share memories
Of fires past and yet to be.
In this circle, time suspends,
As present with the past transcends,
Creating moments pure and true,
Painted in a fiery hue.

As night grows old, the flames burn low,
Entering a gentler flow,
Where deepest mysteries reside
In coals that pulse with light inside.
Here in this contemplative space,
Time slows its relentless pace,
Allowing wisdom to emerge
From where the flames and darkness merge.
Watch the embers' subtle dance,
Glimpse the future's fleeting glance,
In patterns formed by dying light,
Sacred messages of night.

The fire changes those who stay
To watch its dance until the day,
Marking souls with ancient signs,
Drawing wisdom from its lines.
We are not who we were before
We gathered on this sacred shore,
Where flames have painted on our hearts
Their wild and transforming art.
Each spark that rises to the stars
Carries wishes near and far,
Broadcasting our hopes and dreams
On light's eternal, burning streams.

As eastern sky begins to pale,
The fire tells its final tale,
Of cycles ending to begin,
Of cleansing fire, purged of sin.
The flames sink lower, hour by hour,
Yet still maintain their mystic power,
Teaching those with eyes to see
The beauty of impermanency.
Soon the sun will rise again,
But we are changed by where we've been,
Marked forever by this night
Of dancing flames and sacred light.

Though this fire may expire,
Its light lives on in heart's desire,
Forever burning in the soul,
Making broken spirits whole.
For in each person gathered here,
A spark remains forever clear,
A piece of this eternal dance,
This fire-blessed circumstance.
We carry forward in our days
These memories of firelight ways,
Until we gather once again
Where flames dance free beyond our ken.

So remember as you go,
The lessons that the flames bestow:
How light and shadow dance as one,
How endings mean new things begun,
How stories passed through fire and time
Become a legacy sublime,
How every spark contains the whole
Of human heart and cosmic soul.
For in the dance of flames at night,
We touch the source of pure delight,
Where mystery and wonder dwell,
In stories that the fire tells.

And when the world seems cold and gray,
Remember this fire-blessed day,
When flames danced high against the dark,
And every soul contained a spark
Of something ancient, wild, and free,
A glimpse of what we're meant to be,
When gathered 'round the sacred flame
That makes all souls burn bright again.
For though the fire may now be still,
Its dance lives on, and always will,
In hearts that dare to burn as bright
As flames that blessed this sacred night.

Final Ember
So let the final ember fade
Into the dawn that night has made,
Knowing that in darkness deep,
The fire's wisdom we shall keep,
Until once more we gather near
To watch the flames dance bright and clear,
And share again this ancient art
Of fire burning in the heart.
For in this dance of flames at night,
We touch the source of pure delight,
Where mystery and wonder dwell,
In stories that the fire tells.
And so the circle stays complete,
As fire's children take their seat
Around the burns yet to come,
Where all our separate flames are one.

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