About Limercoin

10 Jan 2024

What is Limercoin

Dive into a captivating mining simulation game where you're the boss of your very own virtual mining adventure! Build your mining space by placing racks and choosing from an array of various miners, each with its own special properties. Use the in-game currency to buy miners, boosting your mining power and efficiency.
Earn extra power for your mining capability through fun in-game activities, and have a blast deciding how to split your mining power between different cryptocurrency mining pools. It's your chance to experience the excitement of the crypto mining world in a super fun and engaging way! Let’s learn more in details about each part of Limercoin!

Your main space

Your inventory

It includes miners and racks you bought from the in-game Market or obtained during different in-game activities. Each miner has it’s own characteristics, such as:
Miner size: Miners can be of different sizes: Medium and Large. It impacts the place where you may place it.
Miner power: The main thing! More your miner generates power, more crypto you mine.
Miner collection: Depending on events there are new collections added. Stay tuned!
Miner rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary. See rare items - catch them. Miner price: You can buy from 1 to 99 miners of one type at a time.
There are two types of racks depending on their sizes: medium with 3 shelves and big with 4 shelves. Miners can be placed only on racks.


On the Games page you can find available games for you to play. Read the caption for every game to learn more about it. Games also have own characteristics:
Your game level: It increases with every win and so brings you more power. Games also become harder. duration.
Game duration: During this time try to gain the goal and not to fail.
Amount of Power this game brings you if you win. This power is additional and valid over a certain period of time.
After every win you will see the game results with the information about gained power, your total power and how long this additional power is valid.

Your power, power, power

Playing games and placing miners in your space boost your power, just as the miners and games played by other users enhance their power.
All Limercoin users' power is gathered in different cryptocurrencies mining pools. These pools are used to mine blocks.
Your block reward is calculated depending on your power contribution to the total pool power. That is why the more power you bring to the mining pool, the bigger the money reward of the mined block you get.Mining pools
As mentioned before, all Limercoin users' power is gathered in different cryptocurrencies mining pools: BTC mining pool, LMT mining pool, other mining pools will come soon. These pools are used to mine blocks.
You may decide how much power to allocate to every mining pool on your own. Or to contribute all you power just for one pool. It is also a variant.
You may earn money by contributing your power to mining pools and inviting your friends to Limercoin. The referral program allows you to increase your profit from your referrals’ in-game actions.

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