Breakdown of the Mango markets hack.
LMango markets is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Solana blockchain. It offers DeFi services such as spot trading, staking, farming, loans etc.
Mango markets was hacked on the 11th of October 2022 and Over 115 million USD in crypto funds were siphoned off the platform.
How did the hackers do it:
The hackers employed price manipulation and high-dollar leverage tactics, this enabled them to relieve the funds from the platform’s treasury using large loans. During this period, Mango urged users to avoid making deposits into the protocol and It also reached out to the hacker to negotiate a bug bounty (akin to a ransom).
What do you think can be done to prevent hacks like this. I for one think that at this point, no matter the Crypto project be it DeFi, GameFi, blockchain etc, security should be made priority. Before launching these kind of checks should be made and even after launch there's nothing wrong with constantly upgrading your security architecture.
References (Example)
[1] <name>, '<title>' (online, <year>) <link>.
[2] BULB, 'Write to Earn. Read to Earn' (online, 2022) <>