My first android phone part 1š¤³
I purchased the Vivo v5 as my first Android phone in 2017. Because I'm moving to another city, this phone is crucial to me. I was 18 years old when I got my first Android phone from my family because I desperately needed one for my online classes. I had a lot of fun using it.
My family agrees to get me an Android phone when I'm in the tenth grade, and I set a goal of achieving 90% on my tenth-grade board exam if I receive a grade of 90 or above. Due to that objective, I worked incredibly hard and barely studied. I require an Android phone so that I may play games and study. Exams are almost approaching, so I'm studying harder. My tests were finished on April 15, 2017. After a few months, my exam results were released. The SSC board has notified the date of my results. I am confident that I will achieve a score of 90% on my board examination because I know how simple my exams will be for me. on that day, the was approaching my. the was approaching; my outcome is at 1 o'clock that day. It is now time. I opened the webpage for my results and supplied all the information needed to view them. I reviewed the results, but regrettably, I received an 89 percent score instead of the required 90 percent. I was furious. I informed my family of my outcome. My 89 percent on my board exam made my family really delighted. I am, nevertheless, really disappointed because I could not achieve a board examination score of at least 90%. I am explained by my family. All you had to do to meet our expectations was pass your board exam. I am delighted to see my 89 percent on my board exam after hearing those statements from my relatives. I then called my other buddies to inquire about everyone's performance on our board exam. We take a group call with all of our buddies to talk about our board exam scores. We are all really relieved after that call because nobody in our group failed. Everyone decides on their future objective and college admissions. I'm having a great time talking with my buddies about the upcoming college admissions process and the OUEE board exam.
My family informed me about my new phone the following day. I ask my pals which phone they think is the finest right now. My new phone is being congratulated by all of my pals. My entire group of friends has made numerous ideas. but in the end, I chose a phone with the model number Vivo V5. I chose this phone since it fits inside my spending limit. My family has already informed me that a new phone for me is within our means. End of July, I purchased this phone. My brother and I travel to the nearby little city to repair one business. We talked about the ram, rom, storage, battery, and camera of my new phone, among other things. We completed everything, including the payment and delivery of my new phone. I spotted my family's phone when I got back to my house. My folks insisted that I use the phone just for my upcoming higher education. Do not watch movies or videos on this phone while passing the time. I only watched the educational and inspirational films. My family and I both agreed. My phone and my board test score have made us all really delighted. i used my phone to see our next higher studies admissions. i saw videos on that phone which is explains how take admission in our higher studies. how you do study easily in your college life. there is many topics I seen on my new phone. due to i saw different informational videos i recognised some things which are helps to me in my college life. I discussed all information with my family and explain all to my family. my family agree with me and we fixed some colleges which are selected by me with the help of I seen that informative videos on my new phone. .
References (Example)
[1] <name>, '<title>' (online, <year>) <link>.
[2] BULB, 'Write to Earn. Read to Earn' (online, 2022) <>