My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Infiltrated By The Unseen

15 Sept 2024

I found something really creepy, I think my wonderful Sunday School Sessions are being stalked.
Not by a creepy old guy with a beard but by something way scarier. Something that we can´t see but they might be all around us.

Not even sure if they are a They, or a Them, or an It. I don't think they bother too much with gender.

Dear Reader, if you have been following these posts did you notice them as well?

Archons Archons and More Archons

They secretly appeared over time in a lot of posts, not as the main character but often on a darker side note.
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Out Of Body Experiences happened in the Bible & Dead Sea Scrolls
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot
And then I found them also in the first part of the Book of John
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle)

Okay, I am being infiltrated, so I will put on my tin foil head and DYOR.

Who Are You Archons?

One of the best places to get to know more about these creeps seems to be the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit.

It offers a rich and detailed insight into Gnostic cosmology, explaining the contrast between the divine, spiritual realm and the flawed material world created by the Archons.

Now we have heard about that quite a few times, that this earthly realm and this mortal coil were just stepping stones to reaching divinity.
And that those creepy invisible baddies will do anything to stop us from reaching that next level.

Okay, give me more!

More of What We Knew

The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit embodies the dualistic worldview, the one I mentioned a few times before. It explains both the spiritual and material realms.

As always the spiritual realm is pure and divine, while the material world is viewed as a creation of ignorance and malevolence.

Sometimes I think that material one is hell on earth, literally!

Basically, it comes down to this:
The Archons are deceptive and controlling beings who seek to keep humanity ignorant of their true divine origins. They create and manipulate the material world to entrap human souls.
Sounds quite a bit like the elite, doesn´t it? And what you might have picked up in my previous post. They can inhabit human bodies!

I say....this is all starting to make sense. Marky Mark Z is an Archon and so is Sleepy Joe.
Ignorance and Salvation: The text emphasizes that salvation comes through knowledge (gnosis) of the true divine realm and the realization of one's divine nature.

It´s knowledge and understanding of the forces around us that allows us to control our path to divinity if that is the road we decide to take,

Who Made These Fluffers

I am sure God if he is truly love would not create vile creatures like these Archons, so who did?

I think I already told you who did, but anyway, it was that dirty little Demiurge who created the Archons.

This deity, born from a mistaken desire within the Pleroma (the fullness of the divine realm), is ignorant of the higher divine realms and believes itself to be the only god.

In realms like these it´s always good to know their names, because a name holds power.

And he (Yaldabaoth) created for himself authorities and powers. The first is Athoth, the second is Harmas, the third is Kalila-Oumbri, the fourth is Yabel, the fifth is Adonaios, the sixth is Sabaoth, the seventh is Cain, the eighth is Abel, the ninth is Abrisene, the tenth is Yobel, the eleventh is Armoupieel, the twelfth is Melcheir-Adonein."

In The Sophia of Jesus Christ, Jesus appears to his disciples after his resurrection and imparts esoteric knowledge about the spiritual realm and the material world. And some part of those texts hint at the Archons creating the humans.....

"And the twelve powers whom I have spoken to you about, the authorities of the Archons, said to the great demon, who is the ruler of the material world, 'Rise, let us create man after the image and after the likeness of God.' But the Archons said to Yaldabaoth, 'Let us call him Adam, so that his name will be powerful.'"

Here I read a mix between the Gollem and the Garden of Eden. But as the rulers of the material realm, it might make sense. Although there is also an argument that the humans they created were the humans they created were flawed.

Well that is nothing new, I mean take a look around!

The Archons, under the direction of Yaldabaoth, attempt to create humanity in a flawed manner, mimicking the divine creation but trapping the divine spark within a material body.

Hence these Archon beings are almost as arrogant as most humans who deny there is something bigger than their ego.

He made them guardians of the material world. He, she, them, or it made these malevolent beings who trap human souls in physical bodies to keep control over them in this material realm.

Are They Body Snatchers

Now I have seen some vids where Archons are accused of body snatching work. But if I look at the old texts that did not happen in the past, and it also does not sound like their style.

They are made to keep peeps in their mortal coil, then you are not taking over that body. You persuade them to enjoy or fear this fleshy existence a bit too much.

You use human ignorance as your tool for enslavement. They manipulate human destiny to maintain control over the physical and psychic aspects of human life.

If you see through their matrix, you can bend their plans to your will but don´t let them know you know.

Because it´s not that hard to deceive the Archons who are often described as blind and arrogant. That is what can be used against them.

Jesus actually mentions them in "The Sophia of Jesus Christ." In that text, he explains how he made them powerless.

"When I appeared in the likeness of the Archons, and when I had spoken with them in their dwelling place, and when I had passed through them with their boldness, I presented them with the archangelic light and their power was broken."

Bikini Bottom Line

These Archons are the ones that try to keep you and I stuck in our human ways, in lives of instant gratification without any insight or longing for divinity. And these dudes are winning, at least in my opinion but it´s not about winning.

These guys are creating the threshold, and many humans require a lot of time to pass that threshold, and therefore there is so much trash surrounding us. So many misguided souls, clueless about their meaning of existence.

Thank Godness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

Previous Sunday School Sessions

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Ladies of Revelation

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Bad Boys from Revelations

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - He That Goes By Many Names

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - A Book That Was Left Out Of The Bible

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle)

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Funny Looking Angels

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Thomas Told US Not To Look But To See

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Let´sTalk About Sin Baby"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Know Thy Enemy (What´s The Satanic Bible Really About)"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "The 20 Commandments from the Satanic Bible"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The CIA & The Bible agree on One Thing "We Can Go Mental"

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Out Of Body Experiences happened in the Bible & Dead Sea Scrolls

All Images By MyI and AI

Disclaimer One: The texts I use for these sessions are real, although like many scholars my ignorance and arrogance might cause me to misinterpret things, or explain things from my limited perspective. I therefore appreciate all critical feedback.
Disclaimer Two: I think everyone has a right to believe, and a right to disagree. I try to take a light philosophical approach and add some humor. If you're offended please check yourself, because being offended by something written by a simpleton as WhyWhy is a signal that you might have bigger issues.

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