Here are 9 Unknown Facts About Penguins

18 Jan 2024

1. Penguins' pink poop can be seen from space

Penguin poop can remain on the ice for a long time, and scientists can track penguins using satellite images thanks to their poop. The view in Antarctica is extremely surprising because the Adelie penguins living here have pink poop because they feed on krill.

2. There were once penguins throughout humanity

The fossils found reveal that there were 1.5 meter tall penguins in the world before dinosaurs became extinct.

3. The world's smallest penguin weighs as much as a pineapple

Little Blue penguins are about 30 centimeters long and weigh only a pineapple. Who wouldn't want to put one in their pocket and take it home, right?

4. Penguins love to slide

Since penguins are not successful walkers, they slide on their bellies like a sled in order to move quickly.

5. They are also fast under water

Scientists discovered that emperor penguins use a special method that allows them to go fast under water with the help of air bubbles.

6. Adelie penguins will do anything for a piece of rock

Yes really everything! Adelie penguins use pieces of stone to build nests. But the stones are so valuable to them that they can steal each other's accumulated stones and do anything to get stones.

7. Male penguins take care of the eggs

When emperor penguins lay eggs, the female penguin goes hunting, while the male penguins hide the egg under a fatty "brood sac"-like area.

8. Penguins are not afraid of people

Penguins are not afraid of people and dogs. It is estimated that the reason for this is that penguins evolved before humans started living on the Antarctic continent and dogs were banned in Antarctica in 1994.

9. All penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere

Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. Only Galapagos penguins cross the Northern Hemisphere on long feeding journeys.

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