Why is the weather so hot in the UK?

13 Sept 2022

According to the Met Office, it has increased the likelihood of the high heat we are currently experiencing by ten times. Just take a look at the effects it is having on our hospitals, schools, and transportation systems to see why we are being cautioned that it can be a life-threatening risk to even healthy individuals. Keep in mind that this is occurring at a time when global average temperatures have only increased by about 1C from pre-industrial levels in many regions of the world. It doesn't sound like much, one degree, does it? But the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN's climate research body, claims that we are currently experiencing the warmest era in 125,000 years (IPCC).
We are aware of the root of this problem: the emissions of greenhouse gases brought on by the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas, which trap heat in the atmosphere. According to the IPCC, they have contributed to the atmosphere's carbon dioxide content reaching its greatest points in two million years.
So, what is the future of our climate?
The UN has set a goal of keeping global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. It advises avoiding the most harmful effects of climate change. To accomplish that, emissions must have peaked by 2025—just two and a half years from now. The International Energy Agency projects that CO2 emissions from energy climbed by 6% to 36.3 billion tonnes in 2021, the highest amount ever.
According to the IPCC, we need to reduce them by at least 43% by the end of this decade, or nearly half, by 2030. Then, by 2050, emissions must be reduced globally to zero. That entails minimising emissions of greenhouse gases and developing techniques to remove CO2 from the atmosphere to make up for any that are still there. It is a significant task, and many people think it is the biggest problem civilization has ever encountered.
What steps is the UK taking in response?
The Climate Change Committee (CCC), the government's advisors on climate change, came to the sobering conclusion that it is nowhere near adequate. In his statement kicking off the Glasgow climate summit, Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued a "one minute to midnight" warning regarding climate change. However, the CCC cautioned that his government's existing policies are extremely unlikely to succeed in achieving net zero in a report on the UK's progress in that direction.
The administration has implemented numerous aims and programmes, but there is "scant indication" that these objectives will be met, according to the report.
Additionally, the nation is not doing enough to get ready for the stronger and more frequent heatwaves that climate change may bring. The UK Health Security Agency estimates that in 2020, heatwaves contributed to an additional 2,000 deaths. According to Baroness Brown, the Climate Change Committee's deputy chair, without government intervention, that number is projected to increase in the ensuing decades. The intense heat that many people face in their homes, she adds, is something that "we've been telling the government for over 10 years that we are nothing like well enough equipped for in the UK."

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