Who Is Powerful !
In the Gurukul, all the students used to study together, once their Acharya gave them a topic for discussion, on which everyone had to participate together in that discussion.
The topic of discussion was β What is the most powerful thing in this world?
Several hours passed but the disciples were still engaged in discussion, they were all confused. And now when no decision was reached, they all went to their Acharya Ji and bowed their heads in front of him with a disappointed heart.
Seeing all the students like this, Acharya became very angry and said β Now why have you come here, don't waste my time and go away from here..
Acharya was of very calm nature, seeing his such behavior all the disciples were shocked and after leaving from there they all started criticizing their Acharya. Someone said β βOur Acharya is very bad, he should not talk like this.β So someone said β He is not worthy of being our teacher, someone shouts at his disciple like this.
After some time had passed, Acharya reached among his disciples and said β βDisciples! How wonderful you all are who are discussing together even on holidaysβ¦ I am proud of you all..β
There was a smile on the faces of all the disciples because everyone loves their praise.
After this, Guruji explained to all the disciples and said - Dear disciples, my behavior today must have seemed strange to all of you, but I did it deliberately.. When I was angry with you, you all criticized me but when I praised you So you all became happy..In reality, there is nothing more powerful in this world than speech. Therefore, every person should use his speech thoughtfully.
All the disciples had received a very good lesson from their Acharya today..
Friends, speech is very powerful, so we should always use it properly.
It is because of speech that big fights take place and it is because of speech that those fights are resolved.
Therefore, it would be better that we bring sweetness in our speech and make this life pleasantβ¦
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