
29 Oct 2022

who will be watching at home. 'My mother also and grandmother too.' "Mother must be crying a much." Both of them felt happy thinking about their homes. "We are both asses," Sameer cried, he said. The doorbell abruptly rang. Both remain silent.

"What are you people doing? Come on in. Is he expressing this?" Dosh stumbled as he advanced. Now what is he doing? Killing, perhaps? This notion surprised him. What happened to the two men? They both continued to exchange looks. What exactly am I asking? Please respond. What's your destination?" To locate God. When Parag heard this, he laughed aloud. 'What? What do you do to locate Hai hai hai hai hai? 'Does God ever meet anyone? Um?' 'Yes. Didn't you meet Dhruva? Grandma said.' 'Why do you need God?' Now he too was enjoying these children and his voice had dropped to a lower bar. 'Oh God only gives us what we want?' Sameer quickly clarified. 'No no. Not having fun. Really tell. Aishapath, Devashpath. Tell the truth. I was going to find God What did you want, Sameer questioned? "I desired white socks and boots. Lots of food, clothing, and toys, and you're always number one. Sameer continued to repeat. Somewhere was the dread of honey buried. Also you? Paragne Pusti said, "Football for me, saree for mum." 'Suppose you just met God,' he said, 'Now? Will God now meet with us? Both exclaimed, precisely, "Oh, I suppose I said that, didn't I? Similar to what I said, consider what you would do if you met God right now. Do you think they teach that in school? Tell him to return to his parents. In a voice, Parag Sameer pronounced. Dada pondered for some while. "Who are you?" "My name is Parag Deshpande." Also yours? Sameer Jadhav is my name. "Where do you live?" Both of them gave their addresses. Dada wrote it down on a piece of paper. Then his posture stiffened again. He reached into a nearby suitcase and pulled out a container of shaving cream. The kids, who up until this point had been peaceful, started to get scared once more. You don't want to go to bed hungry, so eat. After that, you'll keep me up all night. He snorted once more. Again, both were frightened. He started munching on shavings after placing his hands in front of him. They occasionally slept off while delivering dowries in secret. They were awakened early in the morning by Dada. He escorted them outside after pouring tea into a broken cup. Outside, a rickshaw was parked. compelled upon her. "Look, I'm going there on a rickshaw. Avoid being overly clever. Father was yelling. "Don't cause a mess while travelling. Don't yell. Definitely in private. I'm riding on the bicycle's back. I'll show you a good Inga if you holler. After one final yell from Dada, the rickshaw began to move. the rickshaw They were sitting together, holding hands. all of it up front

Darkness—it was really dark. "Get off." The driver of the rickshaw yelled. They both knelt down in terror. Geeti wondered, "Where have we come from? Most likely the station. Their shaking feet both landed on the ground. The rickshaw puller sped back and forth while holding an old bag in his hand. Both massaged their eyes as they gasped and peered around them. Oh, there is a store close to your home, and... Saying by Sameer Both were positioned close to Parag's home. He was relieved to acquire Tribhuvan after realising this. Both rushed into Parag's home, to which he yelled, "Mother 335 grandmother!" The residence was well-lit. Anxiety kept everyone awake all night. Mother gave Parag a hug. Grandma unleashed a torrent of stupid words. After telling Sameer and the police that the children had arrived, Baba quickly called and handed them the uniform. Oh, but where do they just disappear? They were both astonished when they were questioned, and they were at a loss for words. What do you have in your hand, Sameer?" Sameer thought of the bag right away. The rickshaw puller is the one who gives this. The father of Parag removed the contents of this bag. Around the corner, there were white boots and socks, biscuit boxes, good books, bright clothing, and a message written in large characters. Baba spoke it out loud. You went out to find God, boys, but you encounter a monster. I'll make you perform subpar tasks. Yes, but after hearing all of you, I felt embarrassed. What a tragedy to being possessed by a demon while seeking God! One such monster shattered my life. While I may not be a deity in your eyes, I did choose to avoid being a monster. I am sending you home as a result of this. The most important thing is to never leave home again, so study hard. yours Shankardada. Everyone's eyes were filled with emotions as the letter came to a conclusion. Baba also had moist eyes. What an awful predicament you had created. Speaking was Baba. "Good day, Father God." How the hell? Aji said while rolling her eyes. Parag enquired. Oh my God, man is the true beast. This is your grandfather right now. He became God for you and me when His goodness awoke. That is how God is. You don't have to search the jungle to find him. 

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