16 Feb 2024

Whether realized through known methods or through some new means, national independence, national birth, transition from nation to tribe and liberation from colonialism have always been violent phenomena. These phenomena have been discussed at the following levels: Personal relationships... sports clubs... people coming together for cocktails and parties... Liberation from addiction... management police of private or state banks... liberation from addiction... in short, a "" "human type" is replaced by "another type"... Rather than a transition from one to another, in a general sense, there is a complete and definitive replacement... In fact, the emergence of a new nation, the establishment of a new state, economic and political relations are also in question. can be explained similarly. But we preferred to talk about liberation from colonialism cautiously, without jumping into it from the very beginning. The importance of acting in this way stems from the fact that from the very beginning of the act of liberation from colonialism, we gave minimal space to the wishes of the colonized people. To be honest, the success story of the act of liberation from colonialism lies entirely within the changing social structure. The importance of change lies in the fact that it is wanted and insistently emphasized.
The idea of the necessity of change, in general, takes its place in the consciousness and life of the colonized man and woman, whether they want it or not. The events and phenomena that the change will bring about will create fear in the consciousness of another type of men and women (colonialists). An act of decolonization that aims to change the order of the world is a program of complete disorder, or at least it appears that way. The act of decolonization may be the result of a mysterious process, a natural shock, and an agreement based on mutual compromise. As it is known, this is a historical process. It will become clear, understandable and comprehensible to the extent that the form and essence that give it historical character are removed. The act of liberation from colonialism is the confrontation of two fundamentally contradictory forces that are nourished by colonialism and derive their originality from colonialism. Their first confrontation (the colonizer and the exploited person) was violent. Their coexistence continued with bayonets and guns.

These two powers have been familiar with each other since ancient times. Indeed, the colonizer has the right to use language such as "recognizing" them. It is the colonizer himself who creates the colonized people and ensures their continuation. The colonizer gains his entire existence from the colonial system. The act of liberation from colonialism is not a phenomenon that should be overlooked. Because it works directly on humans. This action changes people fundamentally, turning people into spectators devoid of substance. He catches them very well with various tricks. A new language brought by the new human type (colonialist) creates a new understanding of humanity. Liberation from colonialism is really the emergence of new types of people. But creating this new human type does not derive its legitimacy from any supernatural power. Even if he achieves his freedom in this way, the colonized person gains his humanity in development.

There is a need for "full replacement" in the act of liberation from colonialism. To express it exactly, we can give this sentence: “The last ones will be the first ones.” Liberation from colonialism confirmed this verdict. When put forth concretely, liberation from colonialism inevitably brings to mind blood-soaked bullets and bayonets amidst riven skin. Because if the last ones are to become the first, this can only happen with a decisive and lethal fight between the two main players. The desire to elevate these last ones to the top, to elevate them to the social steps that determine an organized society, will only be possible by bringing all means, including violence, into balance.

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