Both state and non-state actors are breaking the international law regarding thIsrael-Palestine war

9 Oct 2024

The ongoing conflict between Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other actors in the Middle East showcases rampant violations of international law and human rights by all parties involved. Israel has been accused of disproportionate use of force, targeting civilian infrastructure, and collective punishment, particularly in Gaza. Hamas has violated international law by deliberately targeting civilians, using human shields, and subjecting hostages to inhumane treatment. Hezbollah has indiscriminately fired rockets into civilian areas and maintained a presence in regions where it is forbidden under U.N. Security Council resolutions. These violations are not just legal infractions but also contribute to a cycle of violence, undermining regional security and human rights.

The Middle East conflict involving Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other regional actors is marked by widespread and egregious violations of international law and human rights, making the situation a complex legal and moral dilemma. Each group, whether state or non-state, has been accused of breaking international norms, using force disproportionately, and prioritizing military goals over human security.
Israel’s Violations
Israel’s military actions in Gaza and Lebanon have been criticized for their heavy toll on civilian lives and infrastructure. One prominent example is the cutting off of Gaza’s water, food, and medical supplies, a tactic considered a form of collective punishment and thus illegal under the Geneva Conventions.
Furthermore, Israeli airstrikes often target densely populated areas, resulting in high civilian casualties. This has raised accusations of disproportionate use of force, which violates the principle of distinction and proportionality in the laws of armed conflict. Even in operations aimed at specific targets, like the assassination of militant leaders, the collateral damage often includes families and neighborhoods, blurring the line between military and civilian harm.
Hamas’s Violations
Hamas, the ruling authority in Gaza, has also committed multiple war crimes and violations of human rights. The group’s strategy includes launching rockets indiscriminately into Israeli territory, targeting civilians, and causing widespread fear and disruption.
During the October 2023 attack, Hamas fighters kidnapped civilians, including women and children, and subjected them to conditions that violate international laws on the treatment of prisoners of war. Moreover, Hamas’s use of civilian buildings, such as hospitals and schools, to store weapons and launch attacks turns these sites into military targets, endangering the lives of civilians and violating the prohibition against using human shields.
Hezbollah’s Violations
Hezbollah, operating from Lebanon, similarly breaches international norms by firing inaccurate rockets at Israeli towns and cities, which inevitably strike civilian areas. The group’s continued military presence in southern Lebanon is a direct violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for the disarmament of all non-governmental armed groups south of the Litani River.

Hezbollah justifies its actions as resistance against Israel, but its tactics—firing from populated areas and failing to distinguish between military and civilian targets—mirror the violations committed by Hamas.
Other Actors
The Houthis in Yemen have used the Israel-Gaza conflict to justify attacks on international shipping lanes, violating maritime law. Iran’s backing of both Hezbollah and Hamas and its provision of weapons also contravenes U.N. arms embargoes, making it a complicit actor in these breaches of international peace and security.


The Middle East conflict exemplifies the severe limitations of international law in war. All parties involved—Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others—flout international regulations in pursuit of their strategic objectives. These violations are not merely legal technicalities; they have dire consequences for civilians trapped in the conflict zones.
The lack of adherence to laws governing warfare exacerbates human suffering, undermines regional stability, and diminishes the prospect of achieving a peaceful resolution. For international law to have any relevance, there must be a concerted effort by the global community to hold all sides accountable and prioritize human security over geopolitical objectives.
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