Crypto Strategies - Serving The Servants

1 Jan 2025

Keep The Weight off
Over the years, I have noticed that many Crypto enthusiasts place too much pressure and expectation on a single idea. This is extremely unwise and a practice that should be avoided at all costs. Some of the most notable casualties of such an approach were the yield hunters of 2022. These were primarily investors in Celsius and BlockFi. Many of these investors enjoyed a period of earning a full-time passive income. However, it was short-lived.
The wise approach would have been to diversify into yield-bearing opportunities such as DeFi and traditional Proof-of-Stake opportunities. Authentic PoS opportunities are a lot safer than DeFi and third-party investment strategies. DeFi protocols are often hacked. However, staking on-chain to secure a Proof-of-Stake blockchain is more resilient to attack. Diversification should extend beyond this and incorporate a backup DeFi or income-generative fund.
In other words, having the capital to replicate your current income model if you were to lose it altogether. This is something very few people do. However, it is incredibly powerful, even if it is never utilized. Having that type of backup plan will help you sleep at night, especially if you have everything riding on being able to generate this income. Investors often scrape together just enough to extract their desired yield. However, little thought is given to the idea of failure or misfortune.
The Master Plan
Multiple income strategies should serve a Master Plan. In other words, you can have various ideas that serve one another while simultaneously serving a Master Plan. It’s like a kingdom where people and businesses serve one another and yet ultimately are in service to the king. Create an ecosystem of ideas. However, don’t lean too heavily on any single idea or venture. The Master Plan is simple. However, the ecosystem or infrastructure that serves it is complex and diversified.
Operating under the structure of such a strategy creates a level of safety. In the event of a death blow, a replacement can be brought in. However, when everything relies upon a single idea or approach, a single event can destroy the entire model. Essentially, strategies need to incorporate an element of foundational strength. The more servants, the stronger the workforce, not to mention increased resilience. For example, a handful of individuals have come to rely on the income of a certain SoFi platform I won’t name.
For a while, their participation was well rewarded. However, a few structural and behavioral changes of a few whales have changed the dynamic. Their earnings are now significantly less with their participation more a form of slavery. I don’t rely on any single idea. Establish it, maintain it, and move on to the next. Complacency is to be avoided at all costs. If it works well, great build another. If it diminishes regarding its income generation, do likewise.

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In other words, regardless of the outcome, the answer is always to build another. I share certain ideas. However, I don’t go into detail regarding the complexity of my strategies. My Master Plan and “finer” strategies are my pearls. Nobody gets insight into them. On the other hand, I share a lot, including altcoin picks and passive income strategies. Killing multiple birds with a single stone is always the objective.

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Final Thoughts
Certain ideas may grow regarding their income generation. However, they can fall away just as quickly, making continuation the appropriate mindset to foster and implement. Find as many ways as possible to serve the king. Every investment portfolio or “kingdom” requires a king. Establish a Master Plan and then begin finding creative ways to serve it. All the best! See you in the next one!

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This article was first published on Sapphire Crypto.

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