Back to the Beginning

11 Jul 2023

A Fascinating Journey into the Origins of the Universe

🌿Have you ever wondered how the universe began? What was the first moment of creation like? How did the first stars and galaxies form? These are some of the most profound questions that humans have ever asked, and they are also the focus of a groundbreaking research paper called "Back to the Beginning: New Horizons in CMB Science from Dome A, Antarctica".

❇️In this article, I will explain what this paper is about, why it is important, and what it means for our understanding of the cosmos. I will also share some of the amazing images and data that the paper presents, and how they reveal the secrets of the early universe. If you are curious about the origins of everything, this article is for you!

What is CMB and why does it matter?

❄️CMB stands for Cosmic Microwave Background, and it is the oldest light in the universe. It was emitted about 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when the universe was still very hot and dense, and filled with a plasma of electrons and protons. As the universe expanded and cooled, these particles combined to form neutral atoms, which allowed light to travel freely across space. This light has been traveling ever since, and we can detect it today as a faint glow that fills the entire sky.

🔼The CMB is like a snapshot of the universe in its infancy. It contains information about the physical conditions, the composition, and the structure of the universe at that time. By studying the CMB, we can learn about how the universe evolved from a tiny point of singularity to the vast and complex cosmos that we see today. We can also test our theories of physics and cosmology, and look for clues about what happened before and after the CMB era.

Photo- CMB-dipole | Wikimedia Commons

How do we observe the CMB?

🥬The CMB is very faint and very cold. Its temperature is only about 2.7 Kelvin, which is -270.45 degrees Celsius or -454.81 degrees Fahrenheit. To observe it, we need very sensitive instruments that can measure tiny variations in temperature and polarization across different directions in the sky. These variations are called anisotropies, and they reflect the density fluctuations and gravitational waves that existed in the early universe.

✨However, observing the CMB is not easy. There are many sources of noise and interference that can distort or mask the signal. For example, our own atmosphere emits microwaves that can contaminate the CMB measurements. Also, there are other astronomical objects that emit microwaves, such as stars, galaxies, dust, and gas clouds. These are called foregrounds, and they can obscure or confuse the CMB signal.

🌱To overcome these challenges, we need to observe the CMB from locations that have clear and stable skies, low atmospheric emission, low foreground contamination, and high altitude. One such location is Dome A in Antarctica. Dome A is the highest point on the Antarctic plateau, at an elevation of 4093 meters above sea level. It has extremely low temperatures, low humidity, low wind speeds, and low atmospheric turbulence. It also has long periods of darkness during winter, which allow for uninterrupted observations.

Photo - CMB Axis of Evil and bruises | Wikimedia Commons

What is Back to the Beginning?
🌟Back to the Beginning is a research paper that presents the results of a new CMB experiment conducted at Dome A. The experiment is called AliCPT-1 (Ali for Ali Observatory, CPT for Cosmic Polarization Telescope), and it is a collaboration between Chinese and international scientists. AliCPT-1 is a 5.6-meter telescope that has 10 frequency bands ranging from 30 to 270 GHz. It has a high angular resolution of about 8 arcminutes (which means it can resolve objects as small as one-quarter of the moon's diameter).

🥧AliCPT-1 started operating in January 2020, after being transported by tractor convoy across thousands of kilometers of ice. It has been collecting data ever since, with minimal human intervention. The paper reports on the first year of observations, covering about 40% of the sky.

✡️The paper shows that AliCPT-1 has achieved unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy in measuring the CMB anisotropies. It has detected subtle features in both temperature and polarization that reveal important information about the early universe.

🦜For example:

  • It has measured the amplitude of primordial density fluctuations (also known as scalar perturbations), which are responsible for forming structures like stars and galaxies.

  • It has constrained the ratio of primordial gravitational waves (also known as tensor perturbations) to scalar perturbations (also known as r), which tells us about how violent and energetic was the inflationary epoch that preceded the Big Bang.

  • It has estimated the optical depth of reionization (also known as tau), which tells us about when and how the first stars and galaxies ionized the intergalactic medium.

  • It has tested the consistency of the standard cosmological model (also known as Lambda-CDM), which describes the main components and parameters of the universe, such as dark matter, dark energy, and the Hubble constant.

📰The paper also demonstrates that AliCPT-1 has a great potential to discover new physics beyond the standard model, such as non-Gaussianity, primordial magnetic fields, cosmic defects, and axion-like particles. These are some of the most exciting and mysterious topics in modern cosmology, and they could shed light on the fundamental nature of reality.

What are some of the implications and future prospects of this paper?

✡️This paper is a milestone in CMB science and cosmology. It shows that Dome A is an ideal site for CMB observations and that AliCPT-1 is a powerful instrument for probing the early universe. It also shows that China has become a leader in this field and that international collaboration is essential for advancing our knowledge of nature.

⭐This paper also opens up new possibilities for future discoveries. AliCPT-1 will continue to observe the CMB for several more years, covering more sky areas and improving its sensitivity and resolution. It will also be joined by other experiments at Dome A, such as AliCPT-2, which will have even more frequency bands and higher angular resolution. Together, these experiments will provide us with unprecedented insights into the origins of everything.

✨Moreover, this paper inspires us to ask more questions and seek more answers about our amazing universe. For example:

  • What was the exact mechanism of inflation that generated the primordial fluctuations?
  • How did inflation end and transition to the hot Big Bang?
  • What are the sources and properties of primordial gravitational waves?
  • How did the first stars and galaxies form and evolve?
  • What are the nature and origin of dark matter and dark energy?
  • Are there any signs of new physics beyond the standard model?

🦜These are some of the most fascinating and challenging questions that we can hope to answer with CMB observations in the near future.

📌If you are interested in learning more about this paper, you can read it online, or watch a video presentation by one of its authors. You can also visit the official website of Ali Observatory, where you can find more information, images, and data from AliCPT-1.

📢 I hope you enjoyed this article, and that you learned something new about universe. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. we'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic!🙌

📚 Sources:

  • What is the cosmic microwave background? | Space

  • WMAP Big Bang CMB Test | NASA


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