World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

14 Jun 2023

Originally Posted On Publish0x

June 15 marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a date established by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 66/127 of 2012. The aim of this day is to express opposition to the forms of violence, discrimination and human rights violations experienced by many older people around the world.

Elder abuse is a social and public health problem that affects their physical, psychological and emotional well-being, as well as their autonomy and dignity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that one in six older people have suffered some form of abuse in the past year. The most common forms of mistreatment are psychological abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. These forms can occur in family, institutional or community settings, and can be perpetrated by family members, caregivers, professionals or strangers.

Elder abuse has serious consequences for the health and quality of life of older people. It can lead to injury, pain, stress, depression, anxiety, social isolation, loss of confidence, cognitive impairment and increased risk of premature death. In addition, elder abuse has a negative impact on society, as it generates health, social and legal costs, and contributes to perpetuating stereotypes and prejudices about old age.

The causes of elder abuse are complex and multifactorial. Among the factors that may favor its occurrence are: functional or cognitive dependence of the elderly, overload or lack of training of caregivers, lack of resources or social support to meet the needs of the elderly, poverty or social exclusion, cultural or religious norms that devalue or discriminate against the elderly, lack of awareness or sensitization to the problem, lack of reporting or legal protection, and lack of public policies or specific programs to prevent and address abuse.

Given this scenario, it is necessary to take urgent measures to guarantee respect for the human rights and dignity of the elderly. Some of the actions that can be implemented are: promoting a culture of active and healthy aging that eradicates the negative representation that generates prejudices and stereotypes about old age; raising awareness and informing the population about the problem of elder abuse and its consequences; training and supporting family and institutional caregivers to improve the quality of care; strengthen social and health services to detect, intervene and refer cases of abuse; create community and intergenerational networks that favor the participation and social integration of older people; promote legal and institutional frameworks that protect the rights and interests of older people; and promote research and monitoring of the phenomenon of abuse at the national and international levels.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an opportunity to reflect on the situation of older people and their contribution to society, and to commit ourselves to the prevention and eradication of this problem. Older people deserve to live with dignity, respect and security, and we have a responsibility to ensure this.

Elder abuse is a reality that we cannot ignore or tolerate. It is a human rights violation that affects millions of people around the world and requires our attention and action. We invite you to share this publication with your family, friends and contacts, so that more people become informed and aware of this problem. Together we can make a difference and achieve a fairer and more inclusive society for older people.

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