Web3: Building The Internet for Users, Not Corporations

7 Oct 2024

For the past decade, the internet has morphed into something far from the democratic, decentralized vision it once promised to be. Our personal data is no longer private, our digital identities are owned by corporations, and the value we create online is redirected by a few mega-companies. We don’t need to look far to see what this will ultimately lead to. Data breaches have become dangerously common. Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal exposed the unsettling ways our personal information can be misused, and it wasn’t an isolated case. The system we’ve inherited isn’t working for us. It’s working for them.

The Problems We’ve Inherited from Web2

The internet, as it stands today, is controlled by a handful of corporations. These companies — whether it’s Google, Facebook, or Amazon — have turned the web into a marketplace where user data is the most valuable asset. They profit from the information you unknowingly give away. Your digital identity? It’s not yours. It belongs to these platforms, which they can exploit for advertising revenue, partnerships, and political gain.

And what’s worse? Most users don’t even realize the extent to which this is happening. In 2020 alone, 36 billion records were exposed through data breaches, impacting millions of users worldwide. Statista reports that while 93% of Americans are concerned about their privacy online, the centralized structure of Web2 gives them little choice but to play along.

Web3: A Different Model

The change we all hoped for could be Web3. Why? Because, first of all, instead of handing over your data, your identity, and your power to centralized platforms, Web3 shifts the balance of control back to the user. In this model, you own your digital identity. Your interactions, your creations, and your communications are yours alone, protected by cryptography and blockchain.

A decentralized web means that companies don’t control the flow of information — people do. That might sound utopian, but we’re already seeing it happen. Projects like Ethereum, Polkadot, and SourceLess are building the foundations of this new internet.

According to the Harvard Business Review, this shift to decentralized systems can be seen as a social imperative. The centralized model of Web2 has systematically undermined user privacy, leading to an online environment of surveillance capitalism, where profit is prioritized over privacy​. Web3 flips that on its head.

SourceLess: Owning Your Digital Identity

SourceLess is a blockchain technology developer that focuses on the very thing Web2 took from you: your identity. With STR Domains, users can own their digital identity in a way that is permanent, secure, and fully controlled by them. Unlike a traditional domain name that is rented and often managed by a third party, an STR Domain is forever. It’s your name, your identity, and it lives on the blockchain, safe from censorship and external manipulation.

But it’s so much more than just a domain. It’s a communication tool. With STR Talk, users can engage in encrypted, peer-to-peer conversations that aren’t stored on servers. There’s no middleman, no corporate entity profiting from your conversations. This privacy-first approach to digital communication is one of the key differences between Web3 platforms like SourceLess and the legacy systems of Web2.

The Alternative and Why It Matters Now

So, why should you care? Let’s put it bluntly: Web2 is broken. It’s buil
t on a model that exploits your data for profit and offers you little control over your online existence. The numerous scandals, from Cambridge Analytica to Equifax’s breach, are just symptoms of this system.

Web3 offers the antidote. It’s time to think beyond cryptocurrency or speculative assets. It’s time to think about digital sovereignty. The first thing to know about Web3 is that its fundamental concept is decentralized identity. With platforms like SourceLess and its partnership with Zixxar, you can finally take control of your digital life. You can now your personal domain, where you manage everything from communications to business operations without ever having to rely on a centralized authority.

Become a Lifetime Digital Owner

The Personal STR Domain package is designed for individuals, giving them full ownership, privacy, and tools for managing everything from NFT collections to decentralized applications. The Business STR Domain takes it a step further, allowing companies to build secure, scalable digital identities on a decentralized infrastructure.

These are solutions for right now. With businesses and individuals increasingly exposed to data breaches, having a blockchain-based identity with unbreakable protection is becoming a necessity.

The Future is Decentralized — But Only If You Want It

Ultimately, Web3 represents the chance to rewrite the rules of the digital world. It’s an opportunity to build a system that works for the many, not just the few. But it’s up to us, as users, to embrace that change. Platforms like SourceLess are showing us how to do that, one STR Domain at a time.

If you’re tired of being the product, if you’re tired of the breaches, the surveillance, the loss of control, it’s time to look at the alternatives. The decentralized web is coming. The question is: are you ready for it?

Additional references:

  • Harvard Business Review: Web3 — The Insights You Need
  • Nasdaq: Web3 Trends 2023
  • Statista: Data Breaches 2020

#privacyonline #internetfreedom #decentralization #web3 #blockchain #datasecurity

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