How to Participate in Blast Airdrop Event?
Blast User Airdrop
How to earn Points
Wallet Balance
50% of the Blast Airdrop is allocated to Blast Points. Your wallet will earn Points automatically every block based on your ETH/WETH/USDB balance. This is reflected in realtime on your Airdrop dashboard.
To increase your Points, you can bridge more to Blast.
Your Points earnings will grow over time as your wallet balance increases due to the native yield on Blast (~4% for ETH/WETH and 5% for USDB) as well.
ETH/WETH balances earn a consistent amount of points, and USDB balances earn a variable amount of points depending on the current price of ETH. The USDB to ETH conversion rate for points is updated whenever your account receives or sends USDB.
You will earn +16% on top of any Points your invites earn, and +8% on top of any Points your invite’s invites earn. The more your invites bridge, the more you earn!
Dapps earn Points at the same rate as wallets based on their TVL. When you transfer ETH/WETH/USDB from your wallet to Dapps, the Dapps will start earning Points based on what you transferred over.
Dapps should distribute the Points they earn back to you. To do so they must integrate with the Blast Points API. Any Points sent to you from Dapps will be reflected on your Airdrop dashboard.
Important notes
If any Dapps you’re using aren’t sending Points back to you, make sure to let the Dapp developers know that they should be doing so by integrating with the Blast Points API.
Points are meant to be given directly to users. Any attempts to create a liquid proxy for Points (ie an ERC20 or ERC721 backed by Points), whether deliberate or not, will have the associated Points zero’d out.
How to earn Multipliers
Multipliers increase your Points balance and earnings rate. For instance, if you have 100 Points, and you are earning 20 Points per hour, after earning a 2x Multiplier, you will now have 200 Points and you will earn 40 Points per hour.
Multipliers will be released over time, and their release date is shown on the Airdrop page. There will only be 12 Multipliers total before Points redemption in May. Make sure to get all of them!
You can earn Multipliers by using certain highlighted Dapps. When you click into a Multiplier, you will see the Dapps that you can use to earn it. As long as you use any of the highlighted Dapps, you will earn the Multiplier.
You don’t need to spend a lot of money to earn Multipliers. In fact, you don’t need to risk any capital to earn them. As long as you submit a transaction that interacts with a highlighted Dapp, you will earn the Multiplier. This means that everyone from whales to new users are able to earn Multipliers equally.
How to earn Gold
50% of the Blast Airdrop is allocated to Blast Gold. Gold is for Dapps, and unlike Points, Gold is distributed manually. The Blast incentives committee will distribute Gold on a 2-3 week cadence and announce publicly once Gold has been distributed.You can check the Airdrop Page to see which Dapps have received Gold.
Gold is meant to be used as incentives for Dapp growth. This means that Dapps should give 100% of any Gold they earn to their users. They must integrate with the Blast Points API to do so.
You will earn +16% on top of any Gold your invites earn, and +8% on top of any Gold your invite’s invites earn. The more your invites use and earn Gold from Dapps, the more you earn!
Important Notes
If any Dapps aren’t giving Gold to users, make sure to let the Dapp developers know that they should be doing so by integrating with the Blast Points API.
Gold is meant to be used to fuel growth for Dapps. Any attempts to create a liquid proxy for Gold (ie an ERC20 or ERC721 backed by Gold), whether deliberate or not, will have the associated Gold zero’d out.