The Dual Values and Confusion of Sex and Civilization.

14 Jan 2024

'I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to all things American. But if i were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience' Shelley winters.
photo credit: Jeferson Gomes
Beast on two and the riddle of civilization?
Sex is one of the several pleasurable things created by God. Like any form of creation on earth, it is bestowed with the riddle of polarity because of its dual values--- Good and bad. Through it a human is born and through it the same human can live in hell. Through it soul interacts with matter and through it humans reincarnates again and again.
Sex is the wine of this age. It is peddled in various doses and consummated through different routes. Every animal and human has experienced it directly before death or indirectly through the experiences of others. The producer is animal-driven.
The factory is the beast on two. This beast is not the bird. Every nook carries sex on its placard. Every nook jingles with its advert. The beast on two has taken over from the beast on four. This factory is human. There is an exchange on the rungs on the ladder of hierarchy. Humans have condescended to the animal level. A bit wise, man was able to differentiate himself from the rest of animal kindred.
A Civilization with an unbridled passion for sex.
With an increasingly developed intelligence, he produced the greatest civilization but it was unable to civilize sex. Instead he added sex to his list of growing desires to be exploited.
When he discovered the magic of money, sex became a commercialized product competing in the market of indulgences, package in various glossy packs and advertised without restrained.
He told his counterpart about a discovery she never knew--- the feminine esteem. The woman’s esteem needs to be advertised in a nude and most primitive fashion. So our women saw the wisdom in nudity and now they go about like the allegorical Adam and Eve. The truth is that while Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nudity, our women of today exhibit nudity without shame.
While our Edenal parents got herbs to hide their nudity our women in this age are eager to remove and throw away their pants. Nude is Nude whether partial or complete as far as the genitalia and its accessories are concerned.
Photo credit: Tara Chernus
A catalogue of confusion.
Civilization and primitivism are confused terms in this modern time. Naivety due to this confusion is of two kinds--- natural naivety and acquired naivety. It is ironic to note that the western man who brought civilization has turned out to be uncivilized as far as the woman and sex are concerned.
In Africa, there are still some tribes in the interior of jungles who still go out partially nude. If discovered, the western world would try to reform them by giving them clothing to conceal their nudity but over there in its megacities are nude women dancing to entertain, fashion parading and porno-graphing. It makes me ask myself if it is a woman’s world or a man’s world. Natural naivety is better than acquired naivety for in the former is an element of purity and human dignity. Those who try to condemn nudity often approached it from the religious perspective.
A sheer shift of responsibility.
The devil has always suffered so much blame from Man’s shift of responsibility but the Devil has no blame in this vice against human conscience. There is no better devil than man. When humans evolved from the animal state of consciousness they developed the capacity to see nudity as an incomplete state which needed completion by covering clothes. The animal forms have little or no consciousness of nudity and they manifest their sexual drive by total instinct.
Procreation and over-indulgence.
The fact that sex as a tool of procreation, is important to sustain creation, doesn’t eliminate the need to regulate sex by self-discipline and society laws. So pornography emerged from the freedom of feminine reinvention. Then prostitution is said to emerge from the loom of unemployment and many flimsy excuses are given for why it has to exist. But prostitution is the oldest profession.
Most times the true nature of man through the agency of conscience points to the conspicuous truth that in every affair or phenomenon, there is one form of ethics or the other. But what does man do to abate this malady of over indulgence? He introduced drugs to subjugate the conscience and brain-wash the woman into believing that nudity is a civilized value that needed to be shared in the glare of the public.
The glamour of porn.
Pornography then becomes a booming market. The age of freedom becomes the era of slavery. The enslaved seems to enjoy this slavery. There are various battles being fought but only few wars man has won. Nudity in all its forms is a great war that sexual ethics needs to win over. How this victory would come is uncertain but the psychology of man needs to be worked on.
There is war against child and women trafficking going on but on our screens, pornography exhibits its gallant pageantry while prostitutes demand a legislation of their trade to sex working. Irony is a spanner that man has used to loosen the bolt of idealism. Intelligent but foolish, for every imprudent act he justifies with a clever reason but no matter how clever his reason may be, ethics renders it irrational.
Photo credit: Igor Starkov

Freedom on steroids.
The modern woman is not free. Moving out of the bounds of the Kitchen and the control of her counterpart, man, has not automatically bestowed liberty on her. She’s only being exploited in the name of freedom by the society. The woman needs not only to know this but to examine freedom with her heart.
As far as morals, ethics and obligations (whether to fellow humans, the society and supreme deity) are concerned, no human is totally free. We talk of freedom but on the very tenets of freedom are shattered glasses of abuses. The scale of justice might say several things but one message I read from this symbol is moderation.
Extremities have never produced lasting fruits for Humanity. Civilization with preference to westernization has its sweet and bitter fruits. Nudity cannot be among its sweet fruits.
A chain of ironies.
There is call to legalize prostitution but in the very heart of the western world, polygamy and bigamy are condemned as unlawful. While a woman would sue her husband for demanding sex at the wrong time in the west, prostitutes are being imported into Europe from other parts of the world. Teenage marriage as practiced in Africa and Asia is being frowned as child abuse in the west but on its very streets teenagers get pregnant without spouses.
It is time the western world knows that not everything westernized is fit for consumption. The force of material civilization is powerful and has penetrated almost every corner of our earth. Equally, there exists a bandwagon of humans agitating for an equivalent spiritual civilization in order to obtain a universal balance.
These few have always been the beacons of light that had and would light humanity in times of darkness. Call it an Armageddon, humanity has always being salvaged by the efforts of these few. There is a surging demand for unity even though the other facet of civilization has caused disruption in the unity of all humans.
The woman has the liberty to conduct her body the way she wants in the name of freedom but the circle of the sane and the silent pointer to the good nature inherent in all humans tends to say all is not well with the woman and her counterpart, man. Riddle of civilization?

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