What is writing Framework and why it's important

2 Jun 2024

As everyone else who writes, I sometimes find it very difficult to come up with fresh new ideas of what to write, let alone how to start writing them. Something has been putting weight on your mind and you can't seem to get into your focus mode. That's normal, for the lack of better word. Life happens, and sometimes they take us away from writing. It did for me awhile back and I had to refresh every skills I have just to get back on track. The problem of not being able to come up with something new, became much difficult as we had no idea how to start writing about the ideas we just had a few seconds ago.

When your first draft complete, and you try to read it back, sometimes it doesn't even make any sense at all. It feels like you were straying away from the main point that you were trying to convey to your reader. That feeling sucks, knowing that you have to cut most of what you write, or worst, having to start over from scratch.

There are too moments that you felt like you have written a masterpiece and felt that what you wrote were perfect. After publishing them, no one even bother to read the piece you wrote and you got demotivated because of it.

But before that, why WRITING is important?

It seems that I have been saying the same thing over and over again, why not. It is that important. Writing is, not what I said. But writing is.

Writing is the blood of every working businesses, your work, my work, our employees work, our bosses work. Everything includes good writings. Except for few works that require only hard manual labor. Let me give you an example:

One of mainstream business model that can take advantage of hard labor, paired with the power of today's technology is "carpet deep cleaning". You can find multiples of them over in Youtube. While they made a living on providing cleaning service for their real life customers, their whole niche fits into the ASMR/Satisfaction part of the internet. Instead of just earning by providing cleaning service, they also get a cut of ads revenue their channel help generate for Youtube. Every customer is an opportunity for new videos. And with every videos uploaded is a marketing towards gaining new customers.

So, its a good business model, but why am I using this as an example then? What I'm trying to address here is how does most of this service based companies gets customer at the very beginning?

  1. Door to door service sales
  2. Promotion by flyers
  3. Exposing their services through social media
  4. Providing good service packages
  5. Other sales and marketing strategies

Aside from the first one, "Door to door service sales" or cold phone calls (Which 100% of the time is based on scripts that are written prior), most of the "How" is through writing good sales pitch. In youtube, they need to know how to write scripts for their videos and also to write their video's description to be algorithm friendly. Almost 80% of their work, includes writing. What differentiate each business from their competitors is down to their writing quality.

Without good writing, there are no good businesses. Period. Because you don't wing it in businesses, you need good business plans. And plans, WOOP-DEE-DOO, needs writing. A damn good one.

This may sound simpler than the real thing, but I hope you get what I mean when I say writing is crucial to every business that exist on the face of the earth. Even if you are just trying to provide service or to work for someone that is not laborious.

But ultimately, what separates a good writing from the rest is the framework utilized for the writing.

The Journey so far

Up until this point, everything that we have talked about has been all about the intangible factors. Stuff that you can't see and measure but had stuffed inside of you. That came out wrong, what I meant to say is what you already got inside of you. Jokes aside, for this part of the series/journey, what I'm about to present/propose to you is practical in every sense of the word because you'll get to practice with it.

Including the first of the series: Writing my way out of 9 -5 hell, and the second one: The beginning, what these articles aim to deliver is to make sure every inner workings of your mind and skills are being prepared. The practical part of it is for you to learn the skills that you need and are currently not good at.

But that is as far I could take anyone who wants to do anything else aside from writing. However, you may use some of these writing framework to your advantage if you plan to do a sales page for your business and products.

Everything is about writing. And every writing needs *drum roll*

The Framework.

What is writing framework though?

Before we continue on the framework itself, we have to first acknowledge that the frameworks for writing are other's invention - we may mix them around to see what works, but the wheel has already been invented, why waste time to invent new one for the sake of being different. What works, works. That's that.

Think of it as a writing manual that will guide you to structure your writings in a way that is optimized to function as you intended to.

A good writing framework will enable your writing level improve, aside from actually hooking people into reading what you have to say and agree with your ideas. Or to sell, whichever you desire to deliver with your write up.

My Story

I managed to achieve First Honor degree for my post graduate study and my final year project were awarded Dean's List. This is my fact, and I am not bragging about it.

I was able to achieve the highest honor post graduate student can receive, and it was not because I am super smart. In fact it is further from the truth. I was able to achieve them because I was using framework for my Final Year project. This is an example of why framework is important.

During that time, there was no such thing as Chatgpt that could possibly wrote me the full run down of the methodology I need. I cannot be more thankful that it did not exist, because if it did, I wouldn't get my first honor degree. Let me explain.

In order for me to produce a concept (an idea) to solve my engineering problem statement, I had to perform numerous amount of technical and scientific research. I can't even sit calmly during the process and kept a handbook with me all time just in case there are some ideas popped out of my head. I was so immersed in the process that I had no choice but to understand the topic I was researching of its ins and outs. Due to the amount of data collected, it was easy for me to get lost in the search for answers.

Let's be honest, there are thousands upon thousands of scientific studies on the field of engineering. And it will be impossible to pinpoint which studies that relates, contributes, disapprove and prove my work. The simple framework that I use, is table of content. By first imagining and drafting out my table of content, I could lay and plan out every possible accurate detail that relates to the solution of my problem statement and get a desirable output.

If I were to use chatgpt, I don't think I will reach that level. Ever. Because if I did use chatgpt, my work, is not longer my work. Those pages, wouldn't be of my own words and ideas. This is one of the biggest reason why I write - to understand the topic deeply. Well of course aside from trying to fulfill my destiny of being free of the 9-5 hell. I digress.

Writing with chatgpt is cool and all, but it may bound me to the way of laziness and the ease of contentment. In the realm of writing, to always study, search of new information and improvement, is a must.

The technical how

Back then, I have no clue at all about framework. But it feels natural to have one if you are writing. It is as simple to start with this: Introduction, Body, and last - conclusion. That is what is taught at school anyway. My table of content (framework) starts with these 3 at least.

If you have no idea how to start, consider these "old method as the text book" itself as your guide to start writing your piece.

These part aims to summarize what you are addressing in your write up, for example, you may write a problem statement. You may also start with a story that relates to the problem you are addressing. Its important to note that this part is the critical point in which you will hook your readers into reading your article. Consider titling as an introduction as well.

As the name suggest, body is where you write the solutions that you are proposing to your readers. The other name for Body is Methodology. For different types of writings that has analytical in nature, you may write your findings and explain the reason of the result.

This is the part where you tie your problem statement to your solution. For some, you may write your thoughts and summarize the article. You may also use future prediction, as they are your thoughts.

Whatever these parts of the article means to you, the real point of putting them all in parts is for your to better organize your thoughts. The better organize your thoughts, the clearer the message that you are trying to convey to your readers.

Even though the technique is basic, it is one of the most powerful method to help you start writing. Think of any topic you have in mind, now draft them in your head within each part. Personally, I could do this whole day without breaking my brains out trying to find how to write what I want to write. The more you practice with this method, the more fluent your writing structure will be. As you get more advanced, you'll be able to insert more detailed methodology to find a more accurate solution to your problem statement.

For your general information, this is the list of writing frameworks, you may do the research yourselves. It is important to note that the list is not all comprehensive and might miss the ones you are familiar with.

List of writing Frameworks

  • The Agree, Promise, and Preview (APP) Method
  • The Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) framework
  • The Jobs To Be Done (JTBD) framework
  • 4-Point Content Writing Framework
  • BAB Copywriting Framework
  • PAS Copywriting Framework
  • Freytag’s Pyramid
  • Three-point Storytelling Structure
  • IMRAD Academic Writing Structure
  • Problem Statement Framework
  • FAB- Features Advantages Benefits
  • 4 P's - Promise Picture Proof Push

Bear in mind that there are numerous frameworks, and it will be totally impossible to review and write about all of them in a single go, so I will present them to you parts by parts, when the opportunity for it present itself.

The not so "the end" ending

The list of the framework that I presented to you earlier are the variations of the similar structure where they aim to organize your thoughts to drive your points much more efficiently. This is important because every writing framework has its own purpose. Whether to serve as a sales page, an analytical write up, fictional, personal blog, and etc.

There are much more frameworks to explore in our writing series, and we will try to utilize them as an example for you. I will try to bring them in into light as we go along this journey together.

For this write up, what I'm using is AIDA framework that stands for (Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action). This framework is mainly used for copy writing to drive leads and sales, but you may mix them around if they are fit to be used to present your ideas.

Once again, thank you very much for taking your time to read this write up. We shall meet again in my next write up, perhaps, in different frameworks.


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