We Cook Food After Four Days.

16 May 2024

Sickness, incidents , accidents, illness are normal thing in our life. Most of human even every creature suffer from it in his life where we fell in hit zone and can't perform any othe job due to illness and weaknesses.

We have watermelon season now and my family love it . On 12th May I bring some fruit at home including watermelon because in summer it gives unique taste. Also Watermelon is rich in vitamin C - which plays an important role in forming collagen and helping the body to absorb iron smoothly. It also has a high water content even compared to other fruits. This makes it a uniquely hydrating food which we required in summer.

All other members remains safe except my wife who caught up by cholera. She feels severe stomach pain and vomiting due to bacterial infection. Within a hour she lost her standing will and falls in bed.

It was midnight around 1.00 am when I rush to city hospital ( Thanks to Late sheikh Zayed bin sultan of UAE who donated a high quality 200 bed hospital to our city). Emergency division always open to treat patients and have latest facilities with occupied instruments for treatment with excellent reception. It is working on FOC base where patient never bear a single rupee for cost of treatment.

I got entry receipt and went to duty lady doctor with patient for check up where she recommended some necessary tests like blood pressure, sugar and SNT. After diagnosis she cleared that it is cholera case and need urgent glucose base treatment to cover the short level of water in body.
The duty doctor admitted her in ward and started treatment with some calcium , flygel and augmentin. Thanks to Almighty God that she recovers from cholera within 24 Hours.

Next day hospital release my wife and we came home but due to weaknesses it was not possible for her to stand in kitchen for cooking. So we survive next three days with alternatives .

Early morning some cup of tea ( cooked by me ) with snacks, slice bread , jam and ketchup. Then lunch parcel from any affordable hotel and dinner only boiled vermicelli or rice ( by me ) . We survive the three days like this routine but didn't show to anyone that how we are living.

Last night she cooked food at home after four days and thanks God we eat with full bellies. In relationships both partners are important and fall of one means disturbance in home and work flow. But staying calm and courageous in any panicked moments are most important to handle the situation. Because impatience and fear increase the complexity and kills the thinking ability.

The most important is your contribution as a partner towards your companion. Such situations are opportunity to show more sympathy and courage to yourself that time will pass but memories ( good or bad) will leave lasts. So Stay calm and handle the situation carefully and consciously. It will safe your from more disturbance.

Note: The article also published on my read.cash wall.

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