Education Process In Prisons

6 Jan 2024

Crime Fact

Crime is a phenomenon that has been encountered in all societies throughout human history and remains current. This phenomenon emerges as a result of social life and varies from society to society. This difference also manifests itself in the perception of crime and the method of punishment. A behavior that is considered a crime in one society may not be considered a crime in another society. Again, the perspective on a behavior that is considered a crime in a certain period may change in another period. For example, although the use and sale of marijuana is legal in the Netherlands, it is prohibited in Turkey except for medical use. Just as societies approach the concept and type of crime differently, they also approach punishment methods differently. In this regard, many methods have been used to punish the criminal, besides imprisonment, from past to present.

In preventing or controlling crime, prison or prison constitutes one of the most effective tools of fighting crime today. For this reason, the most obvious function of prisons is to punish the individual who commits a crime. Prisons involve punishing the criminal by restricting his freedom and social contacts and confining him to an area in order to deter him.

Improvement In Prisons

Prisons have a punishment dimension as well as a healing dimension. According to Gökduman, one of the important purposes of punishment is to educate and transform the criminal. In this context, it is necessary to prevent the repetition of the crime and to educate the criminal so that he does not make the same mistake in society. Şen states that the underlying reason for focusing on educational, vocational and educational practices in prisons is to reduce the possibility of re-offending.

In today's management approach, the construction of the physical structure of prisons in accordance with many educational studies and the change in the management approach of penal institutions and the adoption of an education-based execution regime show that the aim of educating and transforming convicts and detainees and reintegrating them into society has been significantly served.

Importance Of Education and Development

Does applying rehabilitation programs along with deprivation of liberty penalties in individuals who commit crimes and are prone to commit crimes provide behavioral change? Is it possible for individuals who have committed crimes, despite being subject to formal and non-formal education programs in civilian life, to realize their mistakes, correct themselves, and gain a moral awareness that will enable them to adapt to society, through punishment and educational stimulation in penal institutions? Scientists who research the answers to such questions underline, within the framework of their findings, that giving importance to educational activities in penal institutions rehabilitates convicted prisoners and that it is possible to reintegrate them into society. In addition, the concept of education includes the concepts of development, upbringing, progress, transformation and training, and does not cover a certain age or period. On the contrary, education is a lifelong process. Even if an individual commits a crime and acts against social rules, by being subjected to a certain education, his tendency towards crime and behavioral mistakes can be eliminated and improved in a good way within the framework of adult education and lifelong learning approaches.

Human beings were created open to development and throughout their lives they desire perfection, being better, and acting more in accordance with the rules by learning from their mistakes. This adventure of the individual continues throughout his life, beyond the period in which he is subject to formal education. Within the framework of the lifelong learning approach, today individuals can access information at all ages, titles and situations. In particular, developments such as the spread of the internet, mobile and web applications becoming more useful, and the availability of devices such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops at prices that individuals with moderate incomes can easily afford, make today's people superior by reducing access to information to seconds. This superiority positively supports the individual's education, change and adventure of reaching perfection, makes his life easier and reflects on the individual's entire life, transcending time and space.

Some groups do not have the superior characteristics that today's people have in civilian life. A significant portion of these groups consists of convicts and detainees housed in penal institutions. Convicts and detainees cannot use electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers, or do research on the internet. All time is spent in these places, isolated from social life due to the crime committed, until the penalty amount is completed, thus the adventure of acquiring knowledge and pursuing perfection is interrupted. The competent authorities, who examine this situation and find that human nature is inclined to commit crimes as well as being educated, developing, regretting their crimes and learning from their mistakes, aim to make maximum use of closed spaces by improving the physical facilities of penal institutions, thus educating individuals prone to crime.

Limitations in education: Needs that are deprived.

Large sports halls where sports such as football, volleyball and basketball can be played; Classrooms with desks, tables, blackboards and projectors, which are common in schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education; event halls where activities such as theatre, drama, concerts and conferences can be carried out; Penal institutions, which have departments such as workshops and course centers that support professional development, support the education of convicts and detainees with limited resources and provide an environment for them to spend their time in the best way possible in order to improve and reintegrate them into society.

The improvement works carried out in penal institutions both support social peace, tranquility and trust, increase the level of deterrent sanctions of the law reaching their aim, and also increase the risk of making mistakes, violating legal rules, creating insecurity in social life and causing loss of life and property of individuals due to the psychological and biological structure of humans. It creates environments for individuals who are involved in crimes such as harming their security to regain hope, have opportunity options and regain peace with the social order. It is thought that the prison teaching profession is one of the most important professional research areas in order to determine the level of achievement of the purpose of this superior duty, to identify the deficiencies in practice and to reveal the obstacles in the education process. Because prison teaching is the planner, implementer and developer of the educational activities carried out in penal institutions. In this respect, the research focuses on determining both the main problems of the prison teaching profession and the level of achievement of the purpose of the educational studies being carried out from the perspective of prison teachers, and to suggest possible solutions by identifying the problems in this process.

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