Joy and Success

5 Feb 2024
However, the correlation between states of joy and achieving the value of success needs to be tested through simple research. Christopher B Roberts' research shows that values ​​are obtained and influenced by will and activity. Therefore, it is not surprising that joy and happiness influence the success of a struggle. Christopher B Roberts' concept in the book ASEAN Regionalism: Cooperation, Values, and Institutionalization has certainly been obtained through research and discussion.

The fact about the joy factor that requires people to achieve success can be obtained from mentoring and teaching for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Confidence in teaching and enjoyable lectures can also be monitored from face-to-face, onsite, hybrid, including offline lectures. Therefore, it is not difficult for teachers or lecturers to apply enjoyable lecturing and mentoring methods. This method is often encouraged, socialized, even through training from semester to semester.

The results of significant guidance and development of student potential will certainly improve and increase student success and the good reputation of the campus, in this case the Binus University Campus. However, Binus University has achieved success as an Indonesian Superior University as stated by the Chancellor at the recent Lecture Gathering. Returning to the actual facts, joy in carrying out duties and responsibilities is a precondition for student and campus success.

Let's look at CBDCs in the context of excitement and success. Indeed, no research has been started on this matter if I am not mistaken. However, it is believed that CBDC human resources who are potential and full of happiness are able to live and practice the spirit of CBDC in internal processes at the center as well as external processes in the lecture hall. What is the spirit of CBDC? The one who has the power and authority to explain it properly and correctly is the Manager of CBDC right? Hopefully the material on the spirit of CBDC will be studied and echoed in order to strengthen potential CBDC human resources. In other words, it would be better if Christopher B Roberts' concept, the description of the advantages of the Binus University campus conveyed by the Chancellor, was correlated with the spirit of CBDC. Hopefully the competency and capacity of CBDC human resources will provide and realize the value of internal excitement and access to lectures in Binus University classrooms. Thus, the Chancellor's statement when closing the Lecture Gathering "don't forget to be happy" is actually relevant to open new enthusiasm for the new academic year 2022-23.

What is the correlation between happiness and immunity?
Physiologically, a happy state helps the body more easily and optimally absorb vitamins and minerals from food, compared to someone in a stressed state.

Apart from that, a happy state helps the body improve blood circulation. The feeling of happiness provides positive energy in the form of optimism which helps facilitate blood flow to all parts of the body, especially to the heart and brain.

According to Kompas news, according to a 2003 study, experts from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, deliberately gave the flu virus to 300 healthy participants. As a result, unhappy participants were three times more likely to catch a cold than happy people.

Another research in 2006 attempted to observe 81 hepatitis B vaccine participants. The disease caused by this virus attacks the liver. From the results of research by experts from the University of Pittsburgh, participants who were happier tended to have an antibody response twice as strong as participants who were unhappy.

Apart from that, experts also conclude that happy people tend to be active and want to behave healthily.

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