US attorneys push Biden to help free Binance executive held in Nigeria

19 Oct 2024

A coalition of 18 state attorneys general is urging President Joe Biden to help secure the release of Tigran Gambaryan, a Binance executive who has been held in Nigeria since February 2024. Citing severe concerns about Gambaryan’s health and the conditions of his detention, the attorneys have formally requested the Biden administration to designate his situation as a hostage case under the Robert Levinson Hostage Recovery and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act.

The attorneys expressed their concerns in a letter dated October 18, highlighting what they see as the unlawful nature of Gambaryan’s detainment and the potential threats to his well-being. John Formella, one of the attorneys involved, emphasized, “His continued detention without cause is not only a violation of his rights but also poses a severe risk to his health and well-being.”

The letter appeals to the federal government to take action, applying diplomatic pressure on Nigeria to secure his release.

Deteriorating Health Sparks Increased Concern

Concerns regarding Tigran Gambaryan's health have been escalating over the months. On October 18, a court hearing was postponed due to his inability to appear, attributed to a significant illness. This has raised fears about his physical condition and whether he is receiving the necessary medical care. The hearing is now scheduled for October 25, but questions about his health persist.

The urgency of the situation was further underscored when a video emerged on September 2, showing Gambaryan struggling to walk while being denied a wheelchair by Nigerian authorities. The footage drew widespread attention, prompting Binance CEO Richard Teng to condemn the treatment of Gambaryan, referring to it as “inhuman.” In a statement shared on social media, Teng asserted, “This inhumane treatment of Tigran must end. He must be allowed to go home for medical treatment and to be with his family.”

The video also raised questions about the conditions within the detention facility where Gambaryan is held. Reports indicate that he was forced to rely on a single crutch, despite evident difficulties, as the guards insisted he continue walking without additional support. This has contributed to growing concerns from U.S. officials and international observers regarding his treatment.

Charges of Financial Misconduct and Diplomatic Tensions

Gambaryan’s detention in Nigeria is linked to allegations concerning Binance's involvement in Nigeria’s financial sector, particularly following a sharp decline in the value of the local currency that began in May 2023. Nigerian authorities claim that Gambaryan is connected to financial irregularities involving $34 million in transactions associated with Binance's operations in the country.

Attorney General joint letter. Source:

However, many U.S. lawmakers view the detention as unjust and politically motivated. They argue that the Nigerian government might be using Gambaryan’s situation as leverage against Binance. In July 2024, Representative Rich McCormick introduced a resolution in Congress that sought to classify Gambaryan’s detention as a “hostage” situation, suggesting that Nigerian authorities were holding him without proper cause to pressure Binance.

McCormick emphasized that the detention lacked a legitimate legal basis, describing it as an attempt to extort the cryptocurrency exchange. “The Nigerian government's actions in detaining Mr. Gambaryan appear to be driven by a desire to extract financial concessions from Binance,” he stated in the congressional resolution. This position has garnered support among various U.S. policymakers who believe that the detention undermines international norms and human rights standards.

Diplomatic Efforts and the Hostage Recovery Act

The Robert Levinson Hostage Recovery and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act is designed to address situations involving U.S. citizens detained or held hostage abroad. By urging the Biden administration to classify Gambaryan’s case under this act, the attorneys general are advocating for increased diplomatic engagement. The act allows for specific measures, such as imposing sanctions on individuals responsible for wrongful detentions and deploying additional resources for negotiation efforts.

If Gambaryan’s detention is officially recognized as a hostage situation, it could change the dynamics of U.S.-Nigeria relations and significantly influence the diplomatic approach taken by the U.S. government. The attorneys' letter to Biden emphasizes the need for a strong response to what they describe as a violation of Gambaryan’s rights.

John Formella’s letter highlights the role of the U.S. government in protecting its citizens: “It is our duty to advocate for U.S. citizens abroad, and we urge the federal government to apply the necessary diplomatic pressure to secure his release.” This plea underscores the broader implications of the case, which could set a precedent for how the U.S. addresses similar situations in the future.

Growing Concerns for Human Rights and Justice

Gambaryan's situation has drawn international attention, with human rights organizations and advocacy groups monitoring the conditions of his detention. The allegations of mistreatment, combined with concerns about his declining health, have intensified calls for transparency and due process. Advocates argue that Gambaryan’s prolonged detention without a clear legal basis raises serious questions about Nigeria’s adherence to international human rights standards.

Moreover, the situation has had ripple effects on the global cryptocurrency community. As one of Binance’s key executives, Gambaryan's detention has been perceived as an attack on the larger crypto industry. The incident has prompted discussions about the regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies in Nigeria and the risks faced by foreign business representatives operating in countries with uncertain legal frameworks.

Binance itself has been navigating a complex landscape of international regulations, and the situation in Nigeria adds another layer of challenges for the company. Richard Teng’s public statements on Gambaryan’s case reflect the tension between the company’s operational goals and the geopolitical risks associated with international expansion.

Next Steps

As the October 25 court hearing approaches, all eyes remain on the outcome and whether diplomatic efforts will influence the course of events. The potential intervention by the Biden administration, in response to the attorneys general's plea, could prove decisive in shaping the next phase of negotiations for Gambaryan's release.

Should the situation remain unresolved, it could further strain relations between the United States and Nigeria, complicating other areas of bilateral cooperation. Additionally, the outcome could impact how other countries approach similar cases involving business leaders detained abroad, especially in politically sensitive contexts.

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