The secret organization that developed first in Sicily and then in the USA (the word Mafia is derived from the first letters of the Italian words "Morte alla Francia. Italia anela" [Italy is shouting death to France], which the Sicilians chose as their slogan during the French occupation. ] is derived). The history of the Mafia in Sicily dates back to ancient times. In 1282, when the French occupied Sicily, the villagers formed an underground army that aimed to wear out the invaders in order to liberate their island. From the beginning to the 19th century. Until the 16th century, their aims were to regain freedom, fight against tyranny, and preserve feudal traditions. XVIII. YY. In the mid-1990s, they faced the tyranny and humiliation of the Bourbons, which played a major role in strengthening the Mafia. Meanwhile, the Sicilian bourgeoisie also provided financial aid to this organization. XIX. In the face of increasing violence in the 19th century, merchants and villagers began to ask for help from the Mafia. Gangs consisting of members of the organization called "Mafioso" began to cooperate with their old enemies, the bandits, by taking profit from them. In Sicily, it had become impossible to conclude agreements, establish a commercial enterprise or conduct business without paying tribute to the Mafia. The Mafia's aims were no longer solely political and were increasingly turning towards banditry. Organization XX. In the 19th century, under the rule of Don Vito Gascio Ferro, it became a kind of state within a state. The Mafia, which maintains its closed nature today as it did in the past, is very well organized and creates a gradual order. Members are bound to each other like the fingers of their symbol, the "hand", by the code of honor and the law of non-speaking (omerta). The "Law of Omerta", which every Mafia member must unquestionably comply with, has remained valid for centuries. The mafia organization places some of its members in key positions thanks to its financial power, relations with people in every environment, and the blackmail it engages in fearlessly.
The Mafia, an effective political tool, ensures that its most conservative elements remain in power and, with the help of them, continues its actions without encountering dangerous situations. The escalation of fascism in the 1920s dealt a fatal blow to the Mafia. Concerned about the power and authority of the organization, Mussolini attempted to eliminate the Mafia. Many mafiosos were deported. Most of them united with members of the organization who had previously settled in the USA and continued their actions in New York and especially in Chicago, which they turned into a murder center within a few years. Conservative and tradition-bound Mafia members re-established their secret organizations under the command of their U.S. boss, Frankie Yale, and grouped in certain regions. But their real boss was still Sicilian. Mafiosos, who have huge sources of income from gangs, blackmail, extortion and theft, have created a terror regime in Chicago.
Mafia members, who did not like to buy people off with money, were forcing their views on everyone, from the smallest police officer to the highest level managers. The Mafia in the United States reached a surprising escalation with the law regarding the prohibition of alcohol passed by the parliament on January 17, 1919. During this period, Al Capone, one of the Mafia bosses, played an important role in the liquor smuggling brought about by the alcohol ban. The alcohol rush has begun in the United States. People began to look for ways to obtain alcohol by breaking the rules. The majority of those producing illicit alcohol were Sicilians. However, in addition to the Mafia, Polish, Jewish and Irish immigrants did not delay in entering such a large market.