Her habbit

25 Nov 2022

She is ruled by it.
It is unavoidable for her.
It's a never-ending war.
She cannot abandon it.

It's become second nature.
It is impossible for her to give up.
Bit by bit, it is engulfing her entire body.

The memories endure despite the scars' fading.
She requests that they depart, but they balk at doing so.

It is a continuous conflict.
She never prevails in this battle.
It's an ongoing battle.
It is a conflict that never ends.

It's her delightful escape.
She becomes disoriented in her own house.
She gets to manage the discomfort.
During the onset of her adrenaline rush.

She reaches for it on the dresser.
a tear trickles down her cheek.
She exerts even more pressure while reminding herself not to scream.

Nobody has a clue.
No one will ever.
As the world around her comes to a complete stop, this habit now governs her.

However, the space is now rotating.
Her eyes are beginning to open.
She reclines back in bed.
refusing to engage in combat.

She draws her final breath before turning off the lights.
She closes her eyes and declares it to be darkness.

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