Heaven Is Imaginary

12 May 2024

Heaven is imaginary, a dream in our minds

A place we envision, where love and joy entwine

A fantasy of perfection, where pain and sorrow cease

A utopia of wonder, where every heart finds release

A product of our hopes, a reflection of our fears

A longing for a better world, through all our tears

A comforting illusion, that helps us face the night

A beacon of light, in the darkness of our plight

A place where love and joy, forever reign supreme

Where every heart is happy, and every soul is serene

Where every dream comes true, and every wish is granted

A paradise of wonder, where every heart is enchanted

But heaven is imaginary, a dream we can't hold tight

A fleeting thought, that vanishes in the light

A mirage of happiness, that we can't quite attain

A fantasy of perfection, that remains a mere refrain

Heaven is imaginary, a concept we can't define

A mystery that eludes us, a secret we can't divine

A place we imagine, but can't quite reach or see

A dream that slips away, like sand between our knees

A comforting delusion, that helps us face our fears

A soothing balm, for the wounds we carry through the years

A hope that sustains us, through the darkest of our nights

A glimmer of light, in the depths of our despairing lights

Heaven is imaginary, a dream we can't make real

A fantasy of happiness, that we can't quite feel

A place we imagine, but can't quite touch or see

A dream that remains elusive, like a mirage on the sea

But still we dream of heaven, a place of peace and rest

A world where love and joy, forever reign supreme and best

A place where every heart, can find a sense of home

A dream that sustains us, until our journey's done

Heaven is imaginary, a dream we can't hold tight

A fleeting thought, that vanishes in the light

A mirage of happiness, that we can't quite attain

A fantasy of perfection, that remains a mere refrain

A comforting illusion, that helps us face the night

A beacon of light, in the darkness of our plight

A place we imagine, where every heart can find release

A dream that sustains us, until our journey's cease

Heaven is imaginary, a concept we can't define

A mystery that eludes us, a secret we can't divine

A place we imagine, but can't quite reach or see

A dream that slips away, like sand between our knees

A comforting delusion, that helps us face our fears

A soothing balm, for the wounds we carry through the years

A hope that sustains us, through the darkest of our nights

A glimmer of light, in the depths of our despairing lights

Heaven is imaginary, a dream we can't make real

A fantasy of happiness, that we can't quite feel

A place we imagine, but can't quite touch or see

A dream that remains elusive, like a mirage on the sea

But still we dream of heaven, a place of peace and rest

A world where love and joy, forever reign supreme and best

A place where every heart, can find a sense of home

A dream that sustains us, until our journey's done

Heaven is imaginary, a dream we can't hold tight

A fleeting thought, that vanishes in the light

A mirage of happiness, that we can't quite attain

A fantasy of perfection, that remains a mere refrain

A comforting illusion, that helps us face the night

A beacon of light, in the darkness of our plight

A place we imagine, where every heart can find release

A dream that sustains us, until our journey's cease

Heaven is imaginary, a concept we can't define

A mystery that eludes us, a secret we can't divine

A place we imagine, but can't quite reach or see

A dream that slips away, like sand between our knees

A comforting delusion, that helps us face our fears

A soothing balm, for the wounds we carry through the years

A hope that sustains us, through the darkest of our nights

A glimmer of light, in the depths of our despairing lights

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