The physiological role of aromatic essences
The author disclaims all responsibility for the misuse that could have been made of the remedies proposed in this text. The plants presented should not be consumed excessively, neither in quantity, nor in duration. This advice is not a substitute for medical treatment. Do not stop your treatment without medical advice, and always seek the advice of a doctor before following the advice outlined here. Have a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and regular physical activity. Ask your doctor if you have a chronic condition before using a medicinal plant or essential oil.
The four main virtues of the aromas are general and versatile. Indeed, aromatic essences are antiseptic, deflocculate , emonctorical (or eliminator) and revitalizing at the cellular level.
1- They are antiseptic, ie microbicides. In other words, they kill pathogenic microbes and viruses that threaten living organisms. They assert themselves in places superior to conventional «antibiotics» because they have a bacteriolytic action and not simply bacteriostatic.
2- They are deflocculating, ie solvantes. They «lysis» glues (viscous mucus) and crystals (hard nuclei) from metabolisms and generated by our excess of meats and starches, root causes of all our diseases. They saponify insoluble viscosities and dislocate hard congregations allowing them to be driven by circulating plasmas. In a word, they normalize what naturopaths call the humoral terrain.
3- They are emonctoriels, ie elimination. By their action, they activate the four great emonctories, which are the skin (with its three glands), the kidneys, the lungs and the intestine (with its liver and gallbladder). They are draining, dragging soluble and insoluble waste and humoral residues to their specialized emonctories: «glues» to the liver, vesicle and intestine, or to the sebaceous glands, various mucous membranes and «crystals» to the kidneys and sweat glands. Thus, they contribute to all healing and in depth. They are versatile, in that they act not locally but in a general way that interests the whole economy by lysing and driving waste and residues of all kinds.
4- They are revitalizing, ie vitalogenic. This means that by the «ultimate atomic bombardments» of which they are the seat (the scents), they pinned deep in the tissues and in the cells. They even reach the «small atomic motors» or they regulate the speed of the electrons (heat), reconstitute the deficiencies of the peripheral orbits (negativation), néttoient the excess charges (galvanisms) and regulate the waltz of the electrons around the nucleus (magnetism). In a word, they ensure a better repair of the intra-atomic energies inside the cells of living matter. It is in this sense that we could say that aromatic essences were cytophylactic, that is to say protective of living cells.
Essential oil
(Vegetable Essence)
Citrus Limonum
- Family: Rtuaceae
- Source: Mediterranean basin
- Manufacture from fresh fruit zest
- Density: 0.850 to 0.870
- Rotary power: +57° to +68°
- Main constituents: pinene, limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, citral, citronellal.
Properties: Tonic, stimulant, bactericidal, febrifuge, antirheumatic, venous tonic, hypotensive, depurative, anti-anemic, hemostatic, deworming, antiscorbutic, antipoisonous, antiseptic, thirst-quenching. Indications Pulmonary infections, intestinal, infectious diseases, anemia, inappetence, rheumatism, dyspepsia, hepatic and biliary insufficiency, intestinal parasites, hypertension, hemorrhages, skin maintenance and care, obesity.
Instructions for use- for adults
Internal use: 2 to 3 drops, 2 to 3 times a day, in honey, hot milk or on sugar
External use:
- Pure or diluted: washing wounds.
- Diluted: gargles, massages. Miscellaneous: perfumery, confectionery, pastry etc.
Lemon balm
Melissa officinalis
- Family: Labiées
- Source: Europe
- Manufacture by steam distillation of leaves
- Density: 0.9 to 0.92
- Rotary power: -15°
- Main constituents: citral, citronellal, geraniol, linalool, pimene, limomene
Properties: Tonic, stimulant, antispasmodic, stomachic, digestive, excites the mucin glands of the duodenum.
Idications: Insomnia, slow and difficult digestion, vomiting, dizziness, migraines, spasms, insect bites.
Instructions for use- for adults
Internal use: 1 to 2 drops, 2 to 3 times a day, in honey, hot milk or on sugar
Miscellaneous: perfumery, beverages
Vulgar origanum
- Family: Labiées
- Source: Mediterranean basin, North Africa
- Obtained: by steam distillation of the plant (leaves and flowering tops)
- Density: 0.9 to 0.955
- Rotary power: 0° to -5°
- Main constituents: thymol, carvacrol, pimene, borneol
Properties: Tonic, antispasmodic, stomachic, carminative, diaphoretic, makes sweat and spit exciting respiratory mucous membranes and skin, parasiticide.
Indications: Cough, whooping cough, bronchitis and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, rheumatism, gastric atony, aerophagia, pediculosis.
Instructions for use- for adults
Internal use: 2 to 4 drops, 2 to 3 times a day, in honey, hot milk or on sugar.
External use: In baths. In frictions, in applications: diluted in sweet almond oil.