9 Free Tools to Make Your Music Blog “Pop”

28 Mar 2024
Originally published at https://ccol4him.blogspot.com/2017/10/9-free-tools-to-make-your-music-blog-pop.html

Photo sources: http://imagebuffer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/music-1874621_1920.jpg and https://freerangestock.com/photos/35883/black-hammer-silhouette.html

This post was inspired by Daniella Uslan’s blog title templates. These 9 tools are just a few of the ones that I use regularly. Some of them have multiple uses. They are great tools that make this blog ‘pop’. The best part for bloggers, especially for newbies, is that these tools don’t cost a dime. Some may have plans that cost money for more extensive features

  • Picture Perfect-

  • Pictures draw attention and provide a break for the reader from the text for blog posts and social media posts, otherwise plain text posts can be a little dull. These are 3 of my favorites and I often use all three for the same graphic;
  • Canva -

  • Canva has templates for blog graphics, various social media sites, presentations, and etcetera. You can use your own images, or theirs for free or 1 dollar per image. It’s great for when you want a great image fast or don’t feel comfortable making your own, yet, or need to meet a deadline fast.
  • paint.net-

  • is a free use photo software with custom file effects and plugins made by fellow users. One of my favorites is Blend Modes Plus by APShredder.
  • PicsArt-

  • is a free Windows 10 app that you can use to create or edit a photo, draw or make collages. There are “Free To Edit” photos that you can ‘remix’ for your own use. There are all kinds of effects to improve your photo, free and paid stickers, frames, and masks, and more. You can decide whether or not to publish a photo or leave it private, and whether or not to leave their signature on the photo. You can share to social media from the app and make desktop themes or lock screens for your own computer.
  • Wired For Sound

  • You can’t have a good music blog without music!
  • Youtube-

  • YouTube is great for making and watching videos, but you can also find blog inspiration. When you enter your main keyword in search, there are usually several suggestions for related keywords. The videos that you watch also determine the kinds of recommended videos that show up on your home screen.
  • Spotify-

  • You can follow your favorite artists, your friends and public playlists. You can make a smart playlist using whatever theme you want- and then share it or keep it for your own use. A free account comes with sporadic advertisements- but unless you are using it for parties or want to download music, a free account should be enough.
  • Jumbo Music-

  • is a tool that I discovered recently. It is an app for Windows 10 that features music and music news.

  • PicMonkey
  • Research and Other Tools

  • Top Trends on Google, Facebook and Twitter-

  • I use these to discover what everyone on social media is talking about.
  • Niche Laboratory-
  • is another tool that I recently discovered on a blog post by The Social Ms.
  • It is an excellent keyword research tool, that shows similar keywords, high-ranking articles, old forums and more.
  • Blogger Stats-

  • Last, but not least. I use Blogger’s stats to let me know which posts that readers like most.
  • So, did you find a tool that you can use? Any new ones? Want more free tools? Then, check out this group Pinterest board. As always, please post your comments below and let me know what you think

Other photo credits: Infomastern Sunset photography via photopin (license)
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.OutwoO8JOM4Ivn6ud0STvgFcCz&pid=15.1 https://www.getpaint.net/screenshots/pdn35_kirkland_thumb.jpg Photo by Matthieu A on Unsplash https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3054/2922084192_1b90b47f1d_q.jpg

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