How we behave?
Add best friends:
"A buddy in trouble is truly a friend. "That is, a true friend is someone who lends a hand when things are tough. In all languages, there are several proverbs and sayings concerning friendship. because friendship is crucial to human existence. A person's network of friends serves as a proxy for their genuine identity. Therefore, it is crucial that you have a supportive group of friends. If your buddies are aggressive, murderous, or violent, the world will make you the same even though you have a really peaceful, loving temperament. Because of this, we should always try to be friends with people that have positive attitudes, behaviours, and personalities. Without your knowledge, your personality is influenced by your friends' character, preferences, way of thinking, principles in life, and outlook on the world. Because of this, there is a proverb that goes, "Susangati Sada Ghodo, Sujan Vakak Kani Pado." Like our parents, guardians, professors, friends, and relatives, our social environment may make or break our personalities. then include trustworthy buddies. However, there is nothing wrong with maintaining the idea that those whose friendship will benefit will benefit and flourish. Of course, this does not imply adopting a selfish approach to friendship. It should be kept in mind that friendship with unsuited people, or "Assangashi Sang a Pranashi Gath," lowers us down. It's not necessary to form friendships based solely on expectations or practical selfishness. Frequently absolute, unselfish. Both sides should enjoy their friendship.
Develop a sense of humour:
Everyone enjoys a grin, happiness, and happiness, whether they are with friends, family, or anybody else in social situations. Nobody loves withdrawn, stressed-out, agitated, suspicious, or jealous persons. Examine your personality to see if you possess any of these vices, and if so, eliminate them. Develop attributes like cheeriness, cheeriness, cheeriness, and neatness. I hope you have it in you." Pay close attention to them if they are not good. Develop it. For it, you don't need to be in good physical or mental shape. It's pure luck if you were born with that complexion, but there's no reason to be disappointed if it didn't. Simplicity can be alluring as well. We can make up for our appearance. We can receive blessings and goodwill from people for doing many straightforward things in our daily lives. Giving a seat to a woman, kid, or old person in a packed bus or train, helping them carry their luggage, providing a pen at a bank or office if they don't have one, providing free money, providing the address or the information they need, etc. Without even realising it, when you assist, your personality makes a lasting impression. There isn't much work or sacrifice required for this. With a little understanding, compassion, and optimism, it is possible. Try it; it should be done! On the inside, you'll feel so much better. The confidence level will rise. Helping others demonstrates that we are selfless and that we have nothing to contribute to what is already being received. This umja undoubtedly helps someone improve and progress. Make a commitment to perform one good deed each day. Your personality will undoubtedly come across better. You will undoubtedly find numerous people who are making every effort to assist others if you keep your eyes open and monitor those around you. Not everyone is egotistical, egotistical, or foolish. The world is filled with decent individuals. The world thus continues. Let's join these amazing folks!
Keep your appetite sated:
You can choose your tastes. It should be of the highest calibre possible, whether it is about our clothing or the things we use, literature, music, art, sports, or any other topic. It must be highlighted that great quality does not necessarily equate to high cost. High taste does not imply the usage of pricey items like clothing, accessories, or admission of kids to pricey schools. Please be aware that high goes beyond mere height. and not simply talking smack about anything that costs money. Many people have a propensity of mentioning how many powerful people they know, how many expensive pieces of furniture, automobiles, or accessories they own, or how they exclusively stay in pricey hotels. Such individuals do not lie; In life, there are many other values besides money. Rituals are ethics. which demonstrates your excellent taste. The traits of a person's personality and excellent taste include humility, honesty, frankness, sympathy for others, hard work, love, simplicity, cleanliness, healthiness, kindness, humanity, philanthropy, compassion, etc. Rich, powerful, or haughty displays do not demonstrate high taste. Unfortunately, the concepts of excellence and taste that are widely held in today's culture frequently centre around money. This does not represent a functioning society. This impression will undoubtedly alter.