First Night

31 Oct 2022

Of course, the first night after marriage.
Such a night, whose exaggerated descriptions are described in stories, novels and songs.
Of course, it is also true that two lightning bolts will strike. Will collide with each other.
Night after night is spent waiting for that night.
Everyone's night is different.
Everyone's night is different.
In everyone's life?... The night is different.
Different of course. As she was now in Chandrakant's life...
Kant was now lying on the coach in the hall. With a scornful look. Alone! percent space.
A cold wind blew. He woke up disgusted. He smelled the blossoming nightshade below. He wanted to erase himself. So he closed the window. There was a dimly lit sky lantern outside. He angrily pressed the button. He lit his lamp. The darkness outside became even darker.
A dog was barking outside. A head-scratcher. A dog was crying all the time.
He again fell unwell on the coach.
Today was the 'first night' of his life.
It was the girl who told him not to sleep with his wife. What is more unfortunate than this?
He continued to shift uneasily. There was no sleep. He started to remember each one.
Chandrakant came from a small village to the city. recently. He is working in a small company.
He was a simple young man. A simple face but healthy Gadi. So people in the company used to tease him as a coward. Villagers used to tease him about his accent.
He felt that he would not survive this city life, this job. What to do after going back to the village? This was the question. He was desperate.
The city is a dunghill and we are the worms in it, he thought.
At that time, he was given mental support by Usha. It was believed that he is hardworking, he can go ahead in life.
Usha is a fragile brother. Looks like a quadruped. But her tall, black eyes are very eloquent. attractive She was good natured. speaking Helping others. A constant source of enthusiasm.
Later he changed his job.
But he felt bad while changing jobs. Not leaving the company. So Usha will not get company.
She was attracted to him from the very first day. But later she liked him more and more.
He was always looking at the picture of how a life partner should be as a pillow.
But - she was married and had a sweet little daughter.
In an accident, Usha's husband, Kiran passed away suddenly. She was tired. But looking at little Tiny she recovered. She came to stay at her parents' house. Started going to work.
Kant came to meet her.
Then their visits continued.
Now he was settled in the job, in the city life. There was a big difference between the Kant who came from the village to the city and the Rubabdar Kant who is now.
One day he confessed his love to her. Usha was shocked. She didn't say anything.
She thought.
She could not decide whether to marry again or not. What about Tiny? She felt like her head would burst with thoughts. Will marriage with Kant be right? Will he accept Tiny?
It was clear that Tiny would stay with her. So there was no question of even thinking about it. Kant also said nothing about him. So there was no reason for him to have any different thoughts about Tiny.
He and Tiny had met many times. What a carefree kid she was. Short, sweet and mischievous. Whenever he used to come, he used to talk to Tiny and play pranks on her. Cadbury would be brought for her without fail.
This had never escaped Usha's notice.
Her parents encouraged her. understood
And she nodded to Kant.
Kant's village was two hours away from Pune. He left for the village in his car.
Everything seemed different since he left home today. The road, the view of the road is the same. He left the highway and entered the road of his village. The green fields were swaying in the wind. Like his mind. The village, village, river looked different. A pair of salunkis were making love on a tree.
There was a joy in the whole atmosphere. Autumn had just ended. The air before Diwali was pleasant. On the dew was spread the magic of clear sun.
He wanted to tell his parents everything. Hidden until now.
He entered the village. They had a small Tumdar village. Old age is held by love.
His house was a two-storied Madi. A big yard ahead. Farms behind. Deredar kadunimb in the yard. There is a lot of shade under it. In that cool shade, their mani was lying on the ledge. Biscuit colored.
As soon as he saw her, he made a sound of caress. As soon as he approached, she ran away. Although familiar. She was pregnant.
After drinking tea, he raised the issue in front of his parents.
Hearing his words, the father left the house in anger.
Marry a widow? What type is this? Why and for what?
Both mother and sister were very keen on his marriage. And he also hoped to get a good wife. Mother appreciated Porga Shikla - Savarla. And she also wanted to be decorated.
Both the poor women were shocked.
The boy had turned the water all over the path.
Finally, Kant decided to get married against the family's decision. By way of registration. Without performing any other rituals.
Diwali had just passed.
There was no one from his family for the wedding. Some of his friends, colleagues in the company, some of Usha's close relatives, girlfriends, parents and of course Tiny.
It was all fun for Tiny. Mother's wedding! ...
She looked sweet in parrot colored frock. She wanted to enter every photo.
Got married. Had dinner and then they left for Kant's house.
Tiny was a sweet four-year-old girl. She was not worried about moving to a new place. It was enough for her that mother was right.
Kant's friend dropped him home in a car. Helped judge on baggage etc.
Usha had seen Kant's house before. But now she was coming for the first time as a housewife.
Her two friends, a special friend of his and her parents also came.
Usha exceeded the measure and entered the house.
Kantcha's house was nice. Decorated Tip. Rasik was real. But that house was not touched by a woman. There was no woman in that house.... But now that touch was going to benefit that building.
Tiny was looking down from the balcony. She saw a stray dog ​​roaming below. Her grandmother rarely sees dogs. She was happy to see such a dog. All of them are different. Black and white, various colors. The society was of medium size. Few houses. The watchman was nothing.
The rest of the people went with tea and water. Then her parents left. In her mother's mind, everything was going to be fine, right? In the end, it is the mother's mind.
Now the house was ours. It was relaxing. It was lonely. But enough?
Tiny was walking all over the house. Everything was moving. How could she not sit still? Because of her, Kant could not speak four sentences in a row with Usha. Then coming close is far away.
Kant had collected many decorative items. Various small idols, feathers, stones, cars and what not.
He had a weaver's nest. Tiny took it and dunked it in the water to see if it drained.
Kant did not like it. An eight rose on his forehead. But he didn't say anything.
Gradually it got dark. Night approached. Kant continued to wait for nightfall. to come closer
First night! ...
He could not believe everything. Today, Usha became his wife and was living in his house. She who had occupied his mind had occupied his house today. After a while... he felt like he was reaching out to heaven.
But Swargasukh?...
He was desperate.
What was Tiny into? Tiny came as he hugged Usha. She didn't like it. She pulled him aside.
It's time to sleep. Kant's time was not passing. On the double bed in the bedroom, Usha was sleeping with Tiny close to her. She could not sleep. Usha was telling the story.
Kant fell on the bed. That's how Tiny got up.
"Uncle, you don't want to sleep like this!...
"Why?" He was surprised. This sentence was unexpected for him in his house.
"We will sleep like this. You want to sleep as a barber!”
Ushane Padel looked at him with a warm face.
He sneaked out into the hall. He fell on the coach, with a sullen expression. Then he remembered everything.
He did not want to sleep; But he was tired due to running for the last two days.
At some point he fell asleep. Usha came out late at night. Kant was irritated; So she was in a difficult mood. She wanted to talk to him. What to say and how to say it? She had this question.
She saw that he was sleeping then she turned back without disturbing him.
The young night who was playing the Panjan delicately passed away with a heavy thump.
He got up early in the morning. He started making tea as usual. Usha woke up with that voice.
Then she made tea. He sat there at the dining table and kept talking. Rectangle tea in hand! Wearing ginger. He liked ginger tea. But he used to get bored as a celibate. But Usha had remembered his interest.
In the morning he felt heavy while chatting with Usha. The morning started to feel even more pleasant.
Tea is done. She went to the sink and started washing the dishes. He hugged her from behind without her knowing. Just as he was about to put his lips on her cheek came Tiny's voice - "Mom..." She woke up smart.
Usha disappeared into the bedroom again. He came to the hall and sat reading the paper.
Tiny came out. Her fun started again. She was carrying a stool and picking things from the showcase outside. In between, she pulled a stool and took it near the window. She started beating the wind-shymes there with a stick. She was amused by the delicate sound of their tinkling. Laughed. Again and again she was lashing, they were moaning, she was laughing. without stopping
He had even sought out those sweet chirping shimes. He felt that they did not suit the flamboyant Shaymes, but that they suited him.
Usha was angry with her. She turned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When mother Tiny got angry, Tiny turned the march towards the showcase again. In it she found the Taj Mahal in a round glass case. The Taj Mahal was brought by Kant, the day Usha said yes to him. As a reminder, as a token of love.
It was special to him.
An Tiny knocked it down. The glass broke and scattered with a loud noise. The Taj Mahal was broken.
Kant has no idea. He got up angrily and slapped her in the back. She started crying.
Usha came out of the kitchen at her voice. Seeing the scene in front of her, she realized everything. Tears came in her eyes. Tiny was crying and clinging to her.
Kant was speechless.
And their life began.
The next day he was far away from dawn.
She was also not coming near him. He waited till night. Tiny slept. He was awake.
Then he went near Usha, he held her close. He continued to feel the warmth of her silky embrace.
She smelled like night. She woke up. trembled That smell made her mind go away. Someone put it down at night. But Kiran's house was built by him himself. As he likes.
There was firmness in his embrace... But there was rejection in her embrace.
He didn't realize it for a few seconds. Then it was long. He was surprised. got angry His face became questioning.
She said, "How can I tell you?" Give me some time.”
"But why?"
She did not answer. She did not understand her mind.
She thought that Kant only wanted the body. In fact he didn't mind her either; But she herself felt guilty. She knew and didn't know. She remembered Kiran, but she didn't pretend her mind knew it. She was trying hard to push those memories away. Like a man drowning in a whirlpool pushes the water.
Kant's situation was different. Actually, in the language of nature he wanted a woman and that woman was Usha.
He was still a connoisseur of sensuality.
What is wrong with his mind? why not He did not know this.
But - no matter how much fire burned in the body, Kant did not want to scratch.
There was a big crack.
Kant started going to work. So he spent a lot of time outside. Usha had left the job at present. Of course, this was decided by both of them.
But now their talking started only for work. Where was the love lost?
The new world is new. That novelty had faded.
Smiles that stay on the face, dreams that are expressed excitedly, chat-discussions, talking with eye contact, feeling the importance of even simple sentences, laughing even at meaningless words, getting to know each other from the heart to the body. Everything had fallen aside, like plastic stuck on the river bank after a flood.
Her mind was unconsciously comparing. And she strongly felt that there should not be such a comparison. Her mind was in a suspended state.
Later on, both of them fell apart.
It was only a week. The color of henna had just come off. Tiny was not going to notice the big men. The child did not realize that the mother was silent. She was getting food and games. Mother was pampered. The new house was attractive. Mother at home all day. Fun! Earlier mother used to go to work. She used to be with her grandparents all day. Only there was no one her age in this new building. But Tiny was happy.
So Usha was unhappy.
She constantly felt like she was losing her mind. She missed Kiran more. After getting married, I remembered the Sonpankhi days with him. She believed that a woman should have a lifelong partner. A woman needs love and body. But security? That is also important. If there is a child in it, the environment he gets is also very important.
An uplifting support.
Kant, however, was agitated.
Marriage is not new. Wanted to go on honeymoon; But Usha had said no because of Tiny. He had many dreams - of the world. But he felt that every dream had a tunnel. From the very first stage. From the first night.
He longed for a simple hug from Usha. And a lot of things stored in Tannam. But it's tiny and tiny! ...
It was Sunday.
Kant got up. He immediately got up to eat. What to do at home today? He was shocked by this thought.
He stopped dumbfounded and went out. Not knowing what to do, he left for the village.
What did he feel while driving the car, he called Usha.
"I come to the village. Will come again by evening “.
"Then what will I do all day? She asked simply.
He shouted, "Do what you want!" Take Tiny and jump or smash some more!”
His heart was boiling with anger.
Although he was focused while driving, the events of the past few days were coming one after the other in front of his eyes. He thought -
It was a mistake that we got married. We should not have married Usha. Should have stopped.
Would have got a good girl... a new wife! We should have listened to the family. What did you get by hurting your parents?
And this tiny? ... We already knew this.
But we ignored this. Why and how?
Were we blinded by love? of course It's your fault. Usha feels nothing. It doesn't feel like anything. Marriage, love, companionship and physical companionship! ... why?
Although it is our first marriage, but not her first?
Further road work was going on. So there was a big diversion. His mind also took a turn.
That's enough! We should not continue this marriage.
Kant's Abola was going on and Usha also had a question. What to do when he is at home on holidays? So he went to the village.
One day problem was solved. Temporarily! But what about the main question?
She didn't know.
She restrained herself and Tiny. She came to her mother.
Mother knew everything as soon as she saw her face. During these days, her mother had spoken many times. But she did not tell her mother about the tension between them.
Tiny ran down. Baba sat reading the paper.
Then Usha fell on her mother's neck and cried. She opened her mind.
"Mom, why is my fate like this? It was a mistake to get married. Rushed. Why did I forget? Moments of temptation put a person in a pit...” She kept saying a lot of things like that.
Mother let her speak. When Usha calmed down, she said, “Just think about it. Kant's first marriage. He must have some expectations. Marriage means that husband and wife have many new things. It has to be understood. It has to be adjusted.
When you got married to Kiran, did everything go smoothly on the first day itself?.... Remember.
Marriage is the beginning of a new life. Let it go for a while. Everything will be fine. And Tiny?... That is the question. But there will be a way. "
"Why did he show me sympathy? “Yet she said angrily.
“Sympathy? And why will he show? Oh crazy woman, he loves you!... Kant is a good boy.”
Kant entered the village.
At the beginning, a tractor came across him.
A newly married couple was sitting in it. The congregation must have left for Goddarshan. Even though the marriage was over, both of them were in wedding attire. Was very happy. Both were pushing each other. Because of the pits, why? who knows
Seeing them, his mind was filled with joy.
The tractor was decorated. Garlands of orange-yellow marigold flowers, pylons, etc. Where to get the decoration of the rose and the charm? The situation must not be very good for those people.
But if you see their faces, the joy was immense!
Must be! It will be the first marriage of that wife... he thought.
As soon as we entered the village, we encountered this. Is this bad omen? He thought.
He waited to wait for them, but his thoughts could not wait.
As he paused, his passion continued to grow. His decision, his conclusion was becoming firm.
He reached home.
The hawk was kept on one side in the courtyard. His money was on a sack under him. Sitting with three small puppies. Their eyes were not yet open.
His sister came out of the door and saw him. She was happy.
"Mom, Dada is here".
Mother came out after hearing that. His mother, who did not have a round saree, was strong-minded and had a loving heart.
Mother came out with great anticipation. Hoping that Porga has brought Suna. But she was disappointed. She thought, due to the fear of the father, Porga must have come alone.
Father was not at home. He had gone to the weekly market. He is also strong in body and tough in behavior.
Tea was served.
Then he broached the subject.
"Mom, I made a mistake. You should have listened."
"Why dad? What happened now? "
"Mother, it makes a difference. She has second marriage. She is small in it. She doesn't even want to come close.”
"Now how can I say? forgive me But we haven't even come close yet."
"What?" Mother thought
So Hema started to squirm and she wanted to go out. But mother deliberately stopped her. She also came to the wedding.
Mother sat quietly for a while. Then she started talking.
"Kantu, you remember us now, son? Did you get free by marrying each other? If your father was in the house now, wouldn't your brother have kicked you out!"
"I'm sorry mom!"
"Ah, I don't want you to speak English. Have you had tea and water? Then leave, brother!"
Kantu burst into tears. Darkness behind and now ahead?... He didn't know anything.
Seeing her brother crying, Hema came forward. She held him close. She shouted to her mother, "What is your mother? Are you driving Dada? Will you be alone after I get married?"
Then the mother said, "Okay, okay, don't cry."
A long time passed in silence. Then the mother said, "Kantu, he has such a big bug. We were against it. But you didn't agree. If you did it now, you wouldn't have done it, son. And now this?
Even if you have started a second career, your house should be new for that boy. It will start slowly but slowly. And that little one will stay close to the mother and cling to the mother. You said hello baby, sweet hello. So kill her..”
Slowly his mind began to think.
Mother continued to speak.
"And that privacy - ah, we were afraid of privacy. It was difficult to see a husband.
"But you can see it at night." he said
Mother smiled and said, “Dishichana Baba. But how much? I drank seven cows. I got pregnant immediately. Then leave for home. Then you were born. Is it over? What kind of privacy then?"
The brother and sister laughed. The atmosphere became a little lighter.
But he said" "It was different in your time. Is that so now?”
Mother said, "Exactly. The situation is different for foreigners. What if you had this baby right after you got married? What would you have done? Think so. If the child takes the responsibility, he will fulfill i

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