Militarisation actions by Mexican and American governments against refugees and migrants

18 Oct 2024


The militarization of Mexico's southern border, driven by U.S. pressure, has led to tragic incidents like the October 1 shootings of migrants by the Mexican military. This incident highlights how U.S. and Mexican governments have adopted inhumane policies aimed at curbing migration. Instead of mass deportations, Mexico uses strategies that wear down migrants, often leaving them in dangerous situations. The militarized response has led to deaths and human rights abuses and perpetuates a cycle of violence and displacement. Both governments' reliance on militarization creates severe humanitarian consequences for vulnerable populations.
On October 1, near the Mexico-Guatemala border, the Mexican military opened fire on trucks filled with migrants, killing six people, including children, and wounding many others. The military justified the shooting by claiming the trucks failed to stop, and they heard "detonations." However, human rights organizations pointed to a broader issue: the militarization of Mexico's border enforcement, which has been primarily driven by pressure and funding from the United States.
The militarization of immigration enforcement in Mexico is not a new phenomenon. For over a decade, U.S. policies have pushed Mexico to strengthen its southern border to reduce migration to the U.S. The "externalization" of U.S. border control has effectively transformed Mexico's southern border into a secondary frontier for the U.S. government to provide resources, military aid, and training to ensure Mexico acts as a barrier for migrants heading north. This militarization includes checkpoints, surveillance technologies, and an increased presence of military personnel tasked with handling migration—areas traditionally reserved for civilian authorities.
One of the most critical issues with this approach is the inhumane treatment of migrants. Instead of engaging in mass deportations, Mexico has employed a "strategy of exhaustion," designed to wear down migrants by detaining them, moving them repeatedly to different locations within Mexico, and denying them essential resources like food, medical care, and shelter. Migrants are pulled off buses, stripped of their money, and relocated to the southernmost parts of Mexico. This constant relocation leaves many migrants feeling disoriented and defeated. Some migrants, like Venezuelan Yeneska Garcia, have expressed that the journey through Mexico is so harrowing that they would prefer crossing the dangerous Darien Gap multiple times rather than continuing through Mexico.
This militarized strategy leads to frequent deaths. Vehicles carrying migrants often crash, leading to fatalities, as migrants attempt to evade checkpoints and military authorities. In 2022 alone, 53 migrants died in a suffocating truck in San Antonio, Texas. Accidents like these occur on both sides of the border, exposing how the militarized border policies increase the risks for migrants and subject them to life-threatening conditions.
The driving force behind Mexico's militarized immigration enforcement comes from the United States, which benefits politically from the reduction in migrants arriving at its border. President Joe Biden and his administration made reducing migration a central campaign issue as the U.S. elections approached. By outsourcing border enforcement to Mexico, the U.S. can claim success in its immigration policies while deflecting responsibility for the human rights abuses happening in Mexico. This cooperation allows U.S. leaders to promote a "tough-on-the-border" stance without directly engaging in the same militarized actions within its borders.


The militarization of Mexico's southern border, spurred by U.S. pressure and political motives, has led to tragic human consequences. Inhumane policies, such as the "strategy of exhaustion," deny migrants their dignity and safety and frequently result in death. Both the U.S. and Mexican governments bear responsibility for these outcomes. While these measures reduce the number of migrants reaching the U.S., they perpetuate a cycle of violence, displacement, and human suffering. Addressing migration through militarization only exacerbates the problem rather than creating humane, long-term solutions.
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