Equalizer ruleset in Splinterlands - Ruled by a Gladiator

3 Mar 2024

Dear readers, we are in another week, another season and we have seen the end of Bronze, Silver and Gold league in the way we used to know them. From now on they are merely an indicator of your accumulated wins. Actually I find this not too bad. But it is not going to be the last of changes.
Don't get me wrong I consider change and ever-moving to be a good thing. But well it is not the best kind of motivation if you want people to put money in your product if you constantly inflate their previous efforts.
So let us again act like there was no issues with this game apart of the game itself and look at this week's ruleset: "Equalizer".
In the really long gone past it even used to be my favorite ruleset, once. But that was when "Untamed" was still for sale.
Anyway its details read the following: "All unit start with the same health, based on the highest health on either team.
Buffs and debuffs are done afterward - this impacts base health."
So basically it is that all units have the same health which is determined by the highest base health of any player's units.
Let us look at one of my battles with this ruleset here:
Yeah, you are right. It is really me playing the Water Splinter and not the Earth Magical lineup.
So my opponent wanted to defeat me with brute magic attack, while I wanted to cleanse his lines starting from the rear.
The effect of "Equalizer" ruleset is obvious already, though. Each unit has 4 base health.
Summary of Round 1. I took my opponent's Martyr ability unit off the board which only would strengthen him. Djinn Biljka was protected from being attacked due to his own ability. For the rest of the match he would become an even fiercer enemy.
My Gladiator unit, Isgald Vorst, became stronger with each defeated opponent, too. So it looked in Round 2 like it would become a duel between (my) Isgald and (opposing) Biljka.
And that is exactly the way it ended in Round 4. My pumped Gladiator vs. the Djinn. Both had good stats, but my opponent was sure to hit. I had melee attack and could still miss.
Luckily I did not miss and my Gladiator ruled the battlefield!
But how do I estimate the amount of influence given by "Equalizer" ruleset. I would say: Not too much influence in this match by "Equalizer" ruleset. All units on the board had a rather similar base health, so there were no outliers that could have resulted in a gross imbalance of damage potential vs. health/mana cost-ratio.
Still I believe "Equalizer" has the potential for a real big influence on your next match! And I like it! ;)
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