Reduce Fat

2 Oct 2022

The fat stored in the intestine is the reason for everything from sugar to obesity. Chole can get rid of this stubborn fat.

If you are troubled by your increasing obesity and increasing fat on your waist, then understand that the deposition of visceral fat on your intestines has increased. It is also known as hidden fat. When the fat on the waist starts turning into tires on the tummy, then do not ignore it at all.

Visceral fat is not only a major cause of obesity, but it also increases the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, Alzheimer's and even stroke. Let us tell you that the fat stored in the visceral also affects insulin production. This results in the problem of glucose intolerance. Therefore, if you want to avoid visceral fat, then improve your diet with exercise.

Eating chickpea ie chickpea will reduce fat
Adding more chickpeas to the diet can reduce visceral fat significantly. One such research has come to the fore. Being rich in protein and low in fat, it is helpful in reducing fat on the intestines.

According to the report of The British Journal of Nutrition, eating chickpeas for eight months removes fat from the intestines. Chickpeas are also beneficial in curing dyslipidemia and preventing diabetes. Dyslipidemia works by correcting the imbalance of fats such as bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol.

Chickpeas contain beneficial substances such as carotenoids and polyphenols. Carotenoids reduce obesity by promoting the breakdown of fatty acids that make up fat cells. At the same time, polyphenols are a type of antioxidant that helps in reducing body weight and keeping it balanced.

Studies from the Harrington Medical Center also show that if you eat 130 grams of boiled or raw chickpeas daily, then your blood cholesterol will start decreasing rapidly. It has been told in the report that by eating this much chickpeas daily, a decrease of five percent was recorded in the level of cholesterol.

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