The Long Road to Peace

22 Nov 2024

The shadows lengthen, years eleven gone,
A storm-wracked past, a battle hard-won.
Though negativity's cruel hand has pressed,
And condemnation's weight upon my breast,

The Lord's grace shines, a beacon in the night,
A gift of life, a strangely welcome light.
Survival's triumph, etched upon my soul,
A story whispered, making me whole.

But deeper still, a yearning takes its hold,
A miracle desired, a story yet untold.
Forgiveness whispered, on a gentle breeze,
To bring my weary spirit, inner ease.

The past's harsh echoes, they still haunt my mind,
Mistakes inflicted, of a cruelest kind.
I hold them close, these burdens I embrace,
A silent sorrow, etched upon my face.

My thoughts, like prisoners, confined and kept,
Until their surging numbers, fiercely swept,
Across the dam, creating floods of pain,
Leaving depressive shadows in their train.

It's tiring, living with this constant fight,
Against the darkness, clinging to the light.
Forgiveness beckons, a distant, gentle shore,
But reaching it feels harder than before.

Forgetting's art, a skill I've yet to learn,
Though God's forgiveness, brightly does burn.
Yet memories linger, sharp and ever keen,
Of wrongs committed, a sorrowful scene.

I've wished for solace, in oblivion's deep,
A cleansing amnesia, while I sleep.
To bury memories, in slumber's quiet keep,
But waking finds those shadows, still asleep.

This is my struggle, a battle fought alone,
A heavy burden, sorrowfully known.
The words are easy, actions hard to find,
A restless spirit, leaving peace behind.

A miracle I pray for, day by day,
To wash the darkness, and lead me on my way.
To bury memories, in a peaceful, gentle grave,
And find forgiveness, my troubled soul to save.

Then peace will settle, like a soft, warm rain,
Washing clean the sorrow, easing every pain.
And I will rise, renewed and strong and free,
From shadows of the past, eternally.

The weight will lift, the burdens disappear,
As healing's balm, dries every falling tear.
A future brighter, dawning clear and bold,
A story of forgiveness, bravely to be told.

You've come this far. May the Divine Grace be upon you. β™₯

If you have some spare time to review my other pieces of writing, I would greatly appreciate your support and I thank you in advance.

My First BULB-SOL Swap

The Murmur of Fear

A Love Unfurled

From Doubter to Speaker: Breaking Barriers and Finding My Voice

Confessions of a Nervous Nelly

Beyond the Type: Understanding My INFJ-T Personality in Depth

My Inner Self Revealed: A Personality Test Adventure

Aching Heart
Breaking the Mold: How Extracurriculars Helped Me Find My Voice
The Curious Case of the Sleepless Mind
Gratitude for the gifts of Wisdom and Resilience
The Weight of Love
The Music That Whispers Hope
Hair fall: A Whisper of Worry
The Spark Within: How My Teacher's Belief Changed Something
A Battle with Patience: Finding Serenity in a Chaotic World

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