kadınlar ve istekleri

13 Jan 2024

Women's constant need for attention can stem from individual preferences, personality traits, and social interactions. Some reasons for women's constant need for attention may include:
Social expectations: Women are expected to be more emotionally and socially active in relationships in society. Therefore, women may seek more attention and emotional support in their relationships.
Emotional needs: Women often seek more emotional support and may therefore expect constant attention and understanding.
Relationship dynamics: Some women may desire constant attention in their relationships because it makes them feel loved and valued.
However, each individual is different, and it would not be correct to generalize. Women's constant need for attention can vary depending on their personal preferences, experiences, and personality traits. What matters is establishing balanced communication in relationships within the framework of mutual respect and understanding.kadınarı mutlu etmek imkansız ne yapsan ne etsen yine onlar haklı sen haksızzın onun içiin susmak ve dinlemek başka caren yok kardeşim

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