Taiko Jolnir Testnet and Galxe Campaign

18 Oct 2023

Earlier this summer I wrote a summary on the various testnet activities being offered by the upcoming Taiko network, including the Galxe campaign being run at the time. This month, Taiko has launched a new campaign focusing on their latest testnet iteration, the Jolnir network.

Introduction to Taiko

If you missed the earlier testnet releases, Taiko is a decentralized, Ethereum-equivalent zkRollup. The project is currently utilizing the Sepolia Ethereum testnet as well as their own Taiko tesnet during the current phase of testing. You can dive into more details about Taiko in the documentation on their website.

The "Watch, Read, and Mint on Taiko" Galxe Campaign

The latest Taiko campaign on Galxe utilizes the recently released version of the Taiko testnet, named Jolnir. Before you begin, you should make sure you have enough test ETH on Jolnir in order to create and mint your NFT series on the testnet. The best way is to claim some free test ETH from a Sepolia faucet and bridge it over to Jolnir on the Taiko official bridge. You can also add the Jolnir testnet to your Metamask wallet by utilizing a site like Chainlist. (Always DYOR when adding networks to your wallet!)

Once you've got your test funds lined up, head over to the Taiko Galxe campaign and give it a run - many of the tasks are the usual social media follows and such, but there are several that revolve around watching and reading content followed by sets of quiz questions. Some of them get a bit technical, so I'd recommend making sure you have enough time set aside before you attempt to complete this campaign.

The last task in the campaign is a step-through on creating and minting your own NFT series on the Taiko testnet. I actually found this part to be quite informative and enjoyable - I've been contemplating creating my own NFT series, so this was a great preview into how it's done and what to expect. And - now I have a test NFT of my own artwork in my wallet, too! Be advised, however, that this task takes about two days (according to the notes on Galxe) to be manually updated, so it may take awhile for your task activity to be approved. Make sure you take that additional time into account before the campaign ends.


Have you been participating in any of Taiko's campaigns or testnet activities? If so, I'd love to hear about your experiences. Comments are always welcome!

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Valdyr is a "crypto-curious" blogger living in Texas with her husband and their ancient dachshund, Henry. When she's not working as an audio/visual technician or stagehand, you'll frequently find her traveling, hiking or enjoying a good craft beer. For more reading, check out www.laurahofford.com/blog/

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