The Daily Drip | No.19

24 Jan 2023

Yeay! Another Monday is here. I hope you all had a great weekend and recovered nicely for the week that is ahead. My morning consisted of a 40-minute walk outside in 30F degree weather. It was very cold in Tucson. We had a little bit of snow too this morning. After the walk enjoying the snowed mountain views I completed a 30-minute class on my Tempo Fitness. I absolutely love Tempo. Between live classes, live coaching, on-class recommendations to improve posture and/or performance, and tracking all of my goals on my Apple Watch I absolutely recommend this equipment to anyone looking for an in-home fitness solution.The Daily DripThis is a subject I should do a deep dive on. Perhaps dedicate it an entire Drip in the future. Intermittent fasting is a technique I have been doing for a while with great results. It has help me reduce bloating, control my appetite and reduce heartburn ❀️‍πŸ”₯ . The article β€œHere's what experts say about the rewards β€” and risks β€” of intermittent fasting”
goes into more details and provides examples on how IF can help you. I would absolutely recommend giving this article a read and decide if IF is for you.Bitcoin Miami is coming fast! If you want to build some muscles and show off your newly developed strength πŸ’ͺ minus the Advil, then read the article β€œBuild muscles in your shoulders, triceps, and back with pain-free exercises approved by a personal trainer”
which covers three simple exercise modifications for a pain free workout.β€œYou are what You eat” is a time tested proverb. What you eat affects everything in your life including your sex life. Studies have found that turning to decaf, eating large portions, and yes, even going vegan can affect the performance of your πŸ† . The article β€œ6 Ways Your Diet Is Destroying Your Sex Life”
covers a few ways in which you may be killing your libido. In general, we should stop eating too much junk food.

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