The dark secret

26 Oct 2022

The night was really black. There was complete quiet. I was unable to extend my hands. Dogs' barking could occasionally be heard. The evening was halfway through. There was a haveli in front of Mama's house, some distance away. The residence was well-lit. Aryan continued to grow more alone as he dashed across the fields. In that mansion after midnight yesterday, I had seen the same light. There was no need for Aryan to visit the haveli there, Mama ji had previously stated. Ghosts linger at that mansion. Aryan began to grin internally. He was aware that ghosts don't exist. It's all a fantasy.

teaching science to the class The scientific method was clearly presented. He is committed to learning the truth. No one has resided in this home for the past 10 to fifteen years, according to Mama Ji. It was formerly occupied by a landlord's family. The landlord's family has now arrived. Nobody enters or exits that route. Ghisu once went there. The poor thing was awful. three months of holding the cot. Aryan continued to turn. When he awoke in the middle of the night, he could see the mansion from the terrace once more. He had arrived at his maternal uncle's house to spend the summer holidays, and there was light. It is a thriving village. Mama Ji also owns a foreign digital camera, Aryan was aware of this. The girl that Mama Ji had Aryan and Kanishka had some discussions. They were both brave. He prepared himself to move forward. He requested the camera from his uncle the following morning. He photographed Mama Ji while she was seated next to him. Then I shot pictures of Kanishka and my maternal uncle. Aryan and his maternal uncle were photographed by Kanishka as well. The mother and maternal uncle were overjoyed. While admiring the camera, Mama Ji added, "It pulls in the dark and at night without a flushgun. It has a fantastic lens." The camera was always with Aryan. Kanishka and Aryan were ecstatic to obtain the camera. They both awaited the events of the evening. It presented a good chance to solve the riddle. Once it was dark, they both left the house. In front was the mansion. Voices and laughter could be heard inside. Aryan and Kanishka began by taking a close look around. Nowhere was there any threat. They descended to the manor. The centre had a sizable room. The inside of his door was locked. From below, the windows were closed, while they were open from above.

Aryan took a close look inside. Many of the tall, chubby, and bearded individuals were sporting turbans. Along with them were some individuals who were dressed in shirts and pants. His eyes were erupting with fire. There were red eyes. Although everyone was eager to eat at the time and had frightening-looking features, some people were biting into rotis while others were gnawing on bones. Aryan took a close look at him; he was wearing a box of ammunition around his neck, there were weapons nearby, including swords and rifles, and some individuals were lying down. Aryan made the observation that Kanishka carefully removed the camera from its case since the light from the gas lamps was so strong that it was simple to take a picture. That's it; he swiftly snapped a number of pictures before directing them toward the house. The following morning early, Aryan hopped on his bicycle and headed into Narayanpur. There was a picture studio there. all pictures are ready By dusk, he had returned after getting it. You respond Yes, the legs of ghosts are inverted, Kanishka told her father. He had no shadow. We visited the ghost camp yesterday night, however we are unable to capture their pictures. Some pictures have been taken. Just look at it! He gave his father the picture. They became irate. He disliked doing such hazardous labour. His eyes were wide open as he saw the picture. "So are ghosts like humans?" he asked. "Not like people. All people are ghosts. No, look! He has straight legs, a shadow, and a picture have all appeared. In reality, there are ghostly rumours. The mansion should not be approached; because their identity has remained a mystery, they have circulated the notion that they are a ghost. How would these people manage their activity there if people were constantly arriving and departing? Following a brief pause, he asked, "Will you accompany me to the police station? I'm really perplexed about this, said Aryan.

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