The Power of the Right Environment

22 Sept 2024

Sometimes Just Showing Up is Half the Battle

I recently listened to a video that said this 'They say the heaviest weight at the gym is the front door and so I go to the gym every single day here's what that means sometimes I just go to the parking lot and I just park there and I watch other people go in the gym I'm at the gym I could be on the phone where you at I'm at the gym I'm not lying I'm watching other people be awesome but here's what I learned from going to the gym every day every now and then I actually go into the gym and then I just meander that that's my workout plan I'll be walking around what you doing man what's going on over here man that's awesome I'm going to steam room look like I'm sweating be walking around like man you putting into work today I'm like it is what it is so I lost 30lb last year from just being in the right environment sometimes it's about putting yourself in the position to be successful more than it is about like trying to be successful I feel like I am the product of the environments that I have put myself in and there's some environments that are toxic that I choose to stay away from'

"They say the heaviest weight at the gym is the front door," and honestly, they’re right. The hardest part of working out, or anything in life, is often just getting started. I go to the gym every single day, and here's what that means: Sometimes, I just drive there, park in the lot, and watch other people go in. Yep, you heard that right. I’m at the gym—but that doesn’t always mean I’m working out. I’m watching others be awesome. And you know what? That’s okay.

Showing Up is 80% of Success

As Woody Allen once said, "Eighty percent of success is showing up."

That has never felt more true than when I drive to the gym and just sit in the parking lot. You might laugh, but being there matters. You don't have to hit every workout perfectly or crush every goal right away. Sometimes, simply being in the right place can push you forward. You’re in the environment. You’re soaking in the atmosphere of people who are trying, and that's contagious.
Every now and then, I do actually walk inside the gym. I meander around like it's my personal tour. No, I’m not killing it on the treadmill or bench pressing massive weights. I’m just wandering, observing, chatting with people. Some days, I walk into the steam room, sweat a bit, and call it a day. That’s my workout plan, and you know what? It works for me because I’m showing up.

The Power of Environment: You Are Where You Put Yourself

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn

This hit me hard when I realized that the gym is more than just a place to get fit, it’s an environment where I see people pushing themselves to be better every single day. Even when I’m just walking around, I’m absorbing that energy. I lost 30 pounds last year simply by being in that environment. Watching others work hard inspired me to slowly start doing the same.
It's not always about going hard every time; sometimes, it's just about being there. Putting myself in a space where progress happens makes progress inevitable.

Stepping Away From Toxic Environments

However, not every environment is healthy. Sometimes, it's about choosing where not to be.

"Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher." - Oprah Winfrey

In life, there are environments that drain you, making it harder to achieve your goals. Just like I choose to go to the gym to be surrounded by positivity, I also make conscious choices to avoid places and people that bring me down. Toxic environments can stunt your growth, whether it's emotionally, physically, or mentally.

Progress Over Time: Consistency Matters

Consistency matters more than perfection. Bill Gates said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

Small steps over time build up. Whether it's showing up to the gym, to a job, or to a personal goal, consistency beats intensity. I didn’t lose 30 pounds overnight. I didn’t even notice it happening. It was gradual, and it was because I kept putting myself in the position to succeed, even when I wasn’t working out full force. The environment worked its magic, and the results followed.

Overcoming Challenges Together: The Mud Along the Way

Of course, it's not always easy. Sometimes, it’s hard just to keep showing up when results seem slow or nonexistent.

That’s when Denzel Washington’s words hit home: “You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That's a part of it.”

You can’t get the results without going through the tough parts. Whether that means days when the workout doesn’t feel great or when life throws curveballs your way, it’s all part of the process. And the key is not giving up.

Conclusion: Be a Product of Your Environment

At the end of the day, I truly believe in the power of being in the right environment.

“Your life is a reflection of your peer group.” - Tony Robbins

Whether it's at the gym, at work, or in life, we become like the people we surround ourselves with. By choosing to put myself in positive, growth-focused environments—and steering clear of toxic ones—I’ve seen progress, both in my fitness and my mindset.
So yes, sometimes I just park at the gym. But even when I’m sitting in my car, I’m making progress because I’m in the right place. And eventually, that leads to stepping inside, putting in work, and becoming better every day. Sometimes, success is just about putting yourself in the position to be successful.

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