Ancient Scene of Mosaic Art-2

31 Mar 2024

Leda & Zeus

Cyprus Museum / Nicosia / 3rd century AD

This Roman mosaic was found just outside what was once the great Greek Temple of Aphrodite east of Paphos. Mythological story: Leda is the daughter of Thestios, king of Aetolia and the wife of Tyndareos, king of Sparta. Zeus dressed as a swan and had intercourse with Leda, but since she was also with her husband Tyndareos on the same night, two eggs were fertilised. While Zeus is the father of Hellen and Pollox (Polydeuces), Kastor and Klytemnestra are the children of Tyndareos.

Spain / Roman Imperial Period.

Zeus also placed the swan figure in the sky as a constellation in honour of Hellen's birth. It was also the subject of the famous painter Leonardo da Vinci's painting.


-M.D. Dunbabin, Katherine, “ Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World “, Cambridge University press, 1999.

- Sander, Loma, “ Encyclopedia of Mosaic Art “, The English Press, 2012.

-Erat, Azra, “ Mitoloji Sözlüğü “, Remzi Kitabevi, 2019.

-Greco-Roman Mosaics, Theoi Greek Mythology,

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