
29 Aug 2022

Out of my tower of glass haunted by heartaches and my restlessness
I watch my dreams listless
Fourteen years my love
With days of illusion and abandoned ideas
In your presence I rediscovered the joy of happiness
And necklaces of laughter hung around our days
Days sparkling with ever new joys
This is for my little hero
For the great person he would have become
For the lives he touched
For the agony and pain I've been through because of his demise
For the love I have for him
For the laughter we shared

this pain, so alien to me
but I will ride in this wave of agony 
until I balance the sail
on the whims of hope 
and once again I shall find happiness 

my heart, forever in your possession 
memorizing your crooked smile 
and for a fleeting moment, hope surges indicating that one day I will be okay.

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