Life Fulfilment

24 Oct 2022

I often wonder why we wake up every day, fend for what to eat, work, and retire at night waiting for the next day and then repeating the routine the next day and the following days to come. It just makes me wonder what the purpose of life is actually. Why are we in this world? Many people believe we should strive to be happy at all times; thus, happiness is the ultimate goal of life. However, others may argue that there is more to life than just being happy. 
In the case of happiness, I'm happy sitting at home, watching Netflix, and eating good chicken ribs. I'm happy spending time with my family. But I still have not gained that satisfaction, it feels like I'm missing a piece. Maybe I'm still waiting for my more-to-life moment.

As human beings, we need to look forward to something to get motivated in life. It can be a desire to buy something that we want, fulfill a goal that matters to us, or achieve an ideal state in the future where we feel calm and fulfilled. There can be many things we want in life, but a common factor why we want to achieve such things is that we want to be happy.

Happiness is an emotional state, and an emotional state is something that doesn't last forever. So you can be satisfied one day, but your happiness may disappear another day. After that, you revert to a neutral or another emotional state, depending on what's happening in your life. Most people want to attain happiness because they may think that once they obtain it, they won't feel sad or angry anymore. Lol, that's just an idea of perfect and pure happiness.

However, in our world, achieving such a state is impossible. One can't be happy their entire life as human life is rife with challenges, failures, and problems. 
Attaching happiness to an external factor is not equal to true happiness. We like to think that we'll be happy once something occurs in our lives, hence why we like to think of happiness as our goal in life. Like when you get married, when you buy that thing you have always wanted,
you experience a particular event, such as graduating from school, traveling to a different country, establishing your business, or retiring from your job.

However, we can remember these moments as highlights of our life. If one's idea of happiness is equal to achieving such things, that just fades over time. So what does one do? Look for the next big thing that can give you that high, and the cycle repeats.
And while there is nothing wrong with pursuing wealth, happiness, and health.
We should strive to be the happiest versions of ourselves that we can become, without impeding on other people's rights. --Unfiltered thoughts

P.s this still doesn't answer how to fulfill or live a satisfying life.  
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