A Global Program For Survival

7 Sept 2024

Hey people. 
Part of my social activism and entrepreneurship is to support political movements. What do you think about the following program points by the Atlas Party

We live in unprecedented global crises, and yet the international community continues to fall short in addressing them. How can we claim to have humanity when:

Israel has killed over 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza in what is one of the most documented genocides in history, yet the U.S. continues to approve $20 billion in arms sales to Israel?
As children return to school, Russia unleashes missile attacks on Kyiv, continuing its brutal assault on Ukraine.

Sudan, now experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, sees half of its population in urgent need of help while the UAE is accused of fueling the conflict by violating arms embargoes and supplying weapons to warring factions.

Global poverty rises in high-income countries, temperatures reach record highs, and MPOX becomes a public health emergency.

Despite this, we have the solutions, technology, and resources to tackle these challenges. What is missing is the political will and leadership to implement them.
Solutions for Major Global Crises

We have the power to end these crises:


1. Stopping Israel’s Genocide
We can stop the violence in Gaza and end Israel's apartheid policies by:
Implementing an arms embargo and stopping all arms sales to Israel.
Coordinating diplomatic, economic, and political sanctions.
Isolating Israel globally, including suspending its UN membership, similar to the sanctions imposed on apartheid South Africa in the 1970s.
Imposing a permanent ceasefire to enable the release of hostages.
Ending the occupation and apartheid policies once and for all.
This would require true leadership from the United Nations and a coalition of willing countries, exerting pressure on complicit nations like the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Italy, which continue to provide arms to Israel.


2. Supporting Ukraine’s Victory
Ukraine can win the war against Russia, but only if we:
Provide consistent military and financial aid without the delays caused by political infighting.
Remove restrictions on how Ukraine can use the weapons as long as they comply with international law.
Seize Russian frozen assets and give them to Ukraine.
Further isolate Russia and its allies, mirroring actions taken against Israel.


3. Helping Sudan’s Civilians
To support Sudan’s population in crisis, we must:
Impose sanctions on those responsible for the violence.
Reinstate the arms embargo and hold countries like the UAE accountable for violations.
Provide aid and protection for civilians.


4. Preventing the Worst of the Climate Crisis
We can decarbonize our economies through:
A Global Carbon Tax.
A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Global Safe Zones for nature conservation and restoration.
Financial support for communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis.


5. Ending Global Poverty
A Global Safety Net that includes basic income, a wealth tax, debt resolution, and shutting down tax havens could lift millions out of poverty.


6. Stopping MPOX from Becoming the Next Pandemic
We must increase global manufacturing capacity for medicines, include all countries in preparedness efforts, and share intellectual property and technology during emergencies.


Why Is Nothing Happening?


Despite having solutions, we lack the political leadership and willingness to act. The United Nations, for example, lacks the competence and legitimacy to ensure global peace and security because a few powerful nations often paralyze it.


A Call for Leadership
Change must come through a global movement that forces countries to reform international institutions like the UN. I, Colombe Cohen-Salvador, am running for UN Secretary-General to lead this reform and bring the political will needed to implement these solutions.

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