How to Deal with Rejection and Failure

20 Feb 2024

Rejection and failure are inevitable parts of life. Whether it’s being turned down for a date, a job, or a promotion, or failing to achieve a goal, we all face situations where we don’t get what we want or expect. But how we react to these situations can make a big difference in our well-being and happiness.

Rejection and failure can hurt us emotionally and physically. They can trigger feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, shame, and low self-esteem. They can also activate the same brain regions that process physical pain, making us feel like we are literally wounded. But rejection and failure can also be opportunities for growth, learning, and resilience.

They can help us discover new possibilities, improve our skills, and strengthen our character.
So how can we deal with rejection and failure in a healthy and positive way? Here are some tips to help you cope and bounce back from these challenges:

Accept your emotions

The first step to deal with rejection and failure is to acknowledge and accept your emotions. Don’t try to suppress, deny, or avoid them. Instead, allow yourself to feel them fully and express them in a safe and constructive way. You can talk to a friend, write in a journal, cry, or scream. Whatever helps you release your emotions and feel better.
Remember that your emotions are valid and normal. Everyone experiences rejection and failure at some point in their lives. You are not alone, and you are not a failure. Your emotions will pass, and you will heal.

Challenge your negative thoughts

The second step to deal with rejection and failure is to challenge your negative thoughts. Don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment and make you think irrationally. Don’t blame yourself or others, don’t generalize or exaggerate, and don’t assume the worst. Instead, try to think objectively and realistically about the situation. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the facts and evidence?
  • What are the alternative explanations or perspectives?
  • What are the positive aspects or opportunities?
  • What can I learn or improve from this experience?
  • What can I do differently or better next time?

By challenging your negative thoughts, you can reduce your emotional distress and increase your self-confidence. You can also gain a clearer and more balanced view of the situation and yourself.

Seek support and feedback

The third step to deal with rejection and failure is to seek support and feedback. Don’t isolate yourself or suffer in silence. Reach out to people who care about you and who can offer you emotional and practical support. You can talk to your friends, family, mentors, or counselors. They can listen to you, comfort you, encourage you, and advise you.
You can also ask for feedback from people who can help you improve your performance or skills. You can ask them what you did well, what you did wrong, and what you can do better. Be open-minded and receptive to their suggestions and criticisms. Use their feedback as a guide to improve yourself and your work.

Take action and move on

The fourth and final step to deal with rejection and failure is to take action and move on. Don’t dwell on the past or give up on your dreams. Instead, use the experience as a motivation and a catalyst for change. Set new goals, make a plan, and take action. Learn from your mistakes, apply your feedback, and try again. Or, if necessary, change your direction, explore new options, and pursue new opportunities.

By taking action and moving on, you can overcome your rejection and failure and achieve your success and happiness. You can also develop a growth mindset and a resilient attitude that will help you face any future challenges with confidence and optimism.


Rejection and failure are not indicators of your worth or potential. They are opportunities for growth, resilience, and self-discovery. Embrace them, learn from them, and let them propel you towards greater achievements. Believe in yourself, trust the process, and remember that your journey is uniquely yours. You've got this!

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