MoneyMaker by RAYS: How to Become a True Money Maker with the Blockchain Platform

29 Jun 2024

In this article, we’ll explore how the MoneyMaker by RAYS platform combines mining and decentralized application (dApp) development, as well as the benefits it offers to users. We’ll also discuss the Telegram mining bot and reward opportunities.

What is the technology behind it?

MoneyMaker by RAYS is a blockchain-based platform that brings together mining and dApp creation. It provides tools for developing smart contracts and simplifies the process of creating and deploying dApps. The platform utilizes modern consensus principles such as Proof of Stake (PoS) or Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) to ensure secure and efficient transactions.

What about the token?

The $RAX (RAYS) token is the internal token of the MoneyMaker by RAYS platform. It is used for transaction fees, voting, and other operations on the platform. $RAX can be mined and also staked to earn rewards for supporting the network.

What about the application?

Link: Start mining $RAX

MoneyMaker by RAYS provides a Telegram mining bot. This bot allows users to mine $RXPoints, which can later be exchanged for $RAX tokens within the MoneyMaker app.
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Who are the developers?

The developers are the MoneyMaker by RAYS team.


The team actively develops the platform through significant partnerships and investments. They continuously work on improving app functionality and expanding the MoneyMaker by RAYS ecosystem.
Platform development plans include listing the $RAX token on cryptocurrency exchanges, further dApp enhancements, and expanding functionality. Near-term additions will include features like integration with other blockchains, interface improvements, and expanded mining capabilities.

Link: Start mining $RAX

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P.S. On my Telegram channel, I share the latest mining bots and maintain a comprehensive list of current projects:

Tags: #airdrop #bitcoin #blockchain #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptoinvestment #cryptomining #cryptonews #mining #money #telegram #ton

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