Passing Clouds
It’s fair to say that not every day in authorland is a fabulous day where things come easy and the words that are written are good. Sometimes things go wrong, occasionally completely wrong, and it’s not altogether unusual to find that you arrive at your desk of a morning with very little enthusiasm for putting words on the screen. (Must admit, it does sounds much better when I say ‘putting words on paper’).Photo by Cody Schroeder on Unsplash
But this is, of course, part and parcel of life in general. There are, after all, even days when I don’t fancy eating chocolate. They’re rare, I’ll admit, but it does happen.
When these uninspiring days do come along, I remind myself that the important thing is to sit down, focus on the screen and crack on regardless. Sometimes when you do this you find that you slowly get into the groove and forget altogether how you felt earlier on. At the very worst, even if all you write is rubbish, you can always come back to it later and rework it into something better.
I have had a few of these grey, uninspiring days recently, when enthusiasm was originally notable by it’s absence. It was tempting to ignore the keyboard and head off to do something else instead. But I took my own advice, sat down and pushed on regardless.
I won't pretend that the outcome was always glorious to behold, but in most cases I finished up with something I could work with later on and, in all cases, I ended the day with a sense of achievement that would otherwise have been missing. That in itself has left me feeling altogether more upbeat. So much so, I’m now eyeing up the chocolate bar sitting on the shelf behind me. I think I deserve a treat.
All the best,
Good Investigations, crime fiction with attitude and humour. Have you got the bottle to check it out?