Quality Education

23 May 2023

India is bracing itself to celebrate 75 years of independence, a significant milestone in Nation's journey as a democratic republic which is sa diverse in culture, religion, language yet so united in spirit The nation has a young population full of desams and aspirations, and education plays a pivotal role in the progress of individuals as well as society.

Access to quality education that has equity and inclusion at its core becomes crucial in Indian context considering the unique nature of its society divided by caste, religion, and language The caste system has created layers in the society where one is considered superior to other an the basis of his/her birth in a dominant caste. This has resulted in a significant percentage of population falling into Socio-Economic Disadvantageous Group ISEDGs). The Constitution makers realised this complicated system and its adverse impact on the society and incorporated provisions in the forms of reservation to ensure equal opportunities for all. However, this cannot be the holistic solution to this problem and the role of education becomes vital as it can be a great leveler or equaliser if we are able to provide universal access to quality education. Education is vital in creating opportunities and tevel playing haid for all. Therefore, the aim of the education system must be to provide a students, respective of their place of residence, a quality education system, with particular focus on historically marginalised, disadvantaged, and underrepresented groups. Further, children with disabilities should also be enabled to fully participate in the regular schooling process from the Foundational Stage to higher education. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities (KPWD) ALT 2016 defines inclusive education as a system of education wherein students with and without disabilities learn together and the system of teaching and earring is suitably adapted to meet the learning needs of different types of students with disabilities Education should ensure that all students from such groups. despite inherent abstactes, are provided various targeted opportunities to enter and excel in the educational system. The Sustainable Development Goal 4 (5004) also seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030

Post-Independence Era:

After independence, education was identified as a vital tool for an equitable and just society Post independence our education system has evolved and expanded phenomenally From a literacy rate of 18 percent in 1951, we have moved up to 73 percent as of 2011. Currently, the school education apate in india is the largest in world with around 15 lakh school 94 lash teachers and 25 crores students

Previous Policies and Commissions:

A series of commissions were appointed to survey study review and recommend improvements in the different sectors of education after independence. To take into the problems of university education, the University Education Commission was appointed by the Government of India in 1948 under the chairmanship of Dr. S Radhakrishnan Secondary Education Camion was appointed in 1952 under the charmanship of Dr. A Lakshmanaswamy Mudalar. The common identified secondary stage of education as the important Ink of our education system because it prepares individual for vocation in wel as higher education. Thereafter, the most famous Kothari Education Commission was formed on 14 July 1964 under the chairmanship of Dr Daulat Singh Kothan Based on the report and recommendations of the Education Commission (1964-1966), the government announced the first National Policy on Education in 1968, which callest for a radical restructuring and equality of educational opportunities so that rational ingration and more cultural and economic development can be achieved. It promoted adoption of broadly unto educational structure in at parts of the country e 10+2+3 pattern

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