22 Aug 2024

"PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE - The secrets to long lasting relationship and marriage"

Don't kiss goodbye to love, relationships and marriage. A lot of people have experienced a failed relationship and marriage and the only option for them is giving up. Giving up is not the antidote to this problem, but the solution is to have the requisite knowledge that will bring you out of this gloomy state.

Many have suffered a lot of heart breaks in their relationship and marriage, this book will provide you the solution.

One of the greatest mistake you will ever make is to marry wrongly. Many have made a lot of mistakes in their relationships and marriage; but relax, this book will help you right those wrongs.

Marriage is not a game of luck and Chance as some have concluded, but a product of careful planning, determination, focus and thorough preparation that will lead you to an extraordinary and fulfilled life on Earth.

There are prerequisites for every successful relationship and marriage. It takes some essential keys and the correct application of knowledge to sustaining your relationship and marriage.

For you to have a successful relationship and a glorious marriage, there are biblical principles you must follow.


✓Understand what relationship and marriage is all about.

✓Understand the purpose of marriage.

✓Correct every wrong decisions you have made in the past about relationships and marriage.

✓Know the reasons why marriages fails and and the way out.

✓Understand the causes of delay in marriage and the prevention.

✓Understand the Fundamental keys to sustaining relationships and marriage.

✓Know the basic qualities you should look out for in a partner.

✓Answer the question of "when am I ready for marriage?"

✓Understand the Biblical pathways of choosing a life partner.

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