My Introduction to Crypto

27 Dec 2023


I have been in the crypto universe for 4 years. My first encounter was with Etherium Mining. At first, I was making fun of those doing this mining business. I wish I wasn't kidding. Anyway, I started trading in early 2018. I made good money during the bull season.

I thought bull season would always continue. Then bear season started. I lost all the money I earned during the bull season. My biggest mistake in losing this money was that I traded with leverage. I've been liquidated many times in 10x-20x transactions.

I have become wiser now. I now manage my capital wisely. I examine the projects of the platforms. When I see good projects, I try to join the projects early and get an airdrop. My advice to you is to definitely stay away from leveraged transactions. Today you will multiply your money by 10. You could lose all your money tomorrow from these leveraged transactions.

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