Mr. Trump may participate in the 2024 Bitcoin Conference

26 Jun 2024

US Presidential candidate Donald Trump is considering participating in Bitcoin 2024, the largest annual conference of the Bitcoin community in the US.

Mr. Trump can participate in the 2024 Bitcoin Conference. Photo: Bitcoin Magazine

According to Axios news agency, former US President Donald Trump, who is still in the race to return to the White House this November, is considering the possibility of campaigning at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference held on November 24. July 25 in Nashville (Tennessee, USA).

Axios's source also confirmed that this year's event will also have the participation of many other politicians such as US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., former US presidential candidate with a pro-crypto stance, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Republican congressmen including Mr. Bill Hagerty and Ms. Marsha Blackburn.

Former President Trump is in talks to speak at the big Bitcoin 2024 convention in Nashville at the end of July, according to two sources familiar with the matter.— Axios (@axios) June 24, 2024

Bitcoin 2024 is an annual event of the Bitcoin community, gathering supporters around the world. It was at the Bitcoin 2021 conference that President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador announced his intention to legalize Bitcoin as a payment currency, something that became a reality just three months later.

Meanwhile, a source from crypto news site The Block said that Mr. Trump was invited to the conference by the Bitcoin 2024 organizers, but has not yet received a response from the billionaire. However, Mr. Trump's advisor Brian Hughes responded to The Block as follows:

“The crypto industry and other technological advancements are under attack by the Biden administration and the Democrats. While Mr. Biden tries to stifle progress with regulations and high taxes, President Trump is willing to encourage America to lead in [crypto] and other emerging technologies.”

As Coin68 reported recently, candidate Donald Trump's election campaign has chosen crypto as one of the focuses to attract the attention of American voters. Mr. Trump's moves to interact with crypto include:

- Communicate with your NFT buyer community;

- Accepting election donations in crypto (though not receiving many);

- Make statements affirming that if elected, he will bring crypto back to America, remove barriers for businesses and especially the crypto mining industry;

- Self-declared himself "Cryptocurrency President", receiving support from many names in the industry such as the Winklevoss billionaire business couple.

President Biden's administration seems to be increasingly concerned with this strategy from Mr. Trump, leading to changes to respond such as considering accepting donations in crypto, as well as re-approaching the crypto industry. Some analyzes also point out that Mr. Trump's openness to crypto is one of the main reasons why the White House had to direct the US Securities Commission (SEC) to "turn around" with Ethereum ETF proposals, moving from continuously remaining silent and implicitly implying "ETH is a security" until the preliminary approval decision in just 5 days.

This Thursday (June 27, US time), President Biden and candidate Trump will have an extremely notable live debate session, where both are expected to clearly present strategies to plan the future of the country. America within the next 4 years, with crypto having a chance to be mentioned.

On the Polymarket crypto prediction market, Mr. Trump is completely overwhelming his opponent with a support rate of up to 59%.

Odds of predicting the next US President, Polymarket screenshot at noon on June 25, 2024

The price of memecoin MAGA (TRUMP) supporting Mr. Trump is increasing nearly 30% in the past 24 hours, but this is considered just a recovery according to the cryptocurrency market after the drop on June 24. TRUMP price in early June set a new ATH at 17.5 USD, then collapsed to the 6 USD area only 18 days later.

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