A Poem for My Lover

17 May 2024

My Dearest Love

Your smile lights up the room,
Chasing away the gloom.
A radiant sun, warm and bright,
Filling my world with light.

Your laugh is music divine,
Notes that make my heart entwine.
Melodies sweet, joyful and pure,
A blissful song, forevermore.

Your embrace is a safe haven,
A shelter in the tempest craven.
Strong arms that hold me near,
Erasing every doubt and fear.

Your kiss sets my soul aflame,
Passionate love, without shame.
Lips that speak of deep desire,
Stoking passion's eternal fire.

In your eyes, I see my home,
No longer will I roam.
Warm pools of love's caress,
My heart's true happiness.

With you, my life's complete,
Each day and night so sweet.
Hand in hand, we'll face it all,
Together, we'll stand tall.

My boundless devotion, forever true,
Grows deeper still, for only you.
A love eternal, that conquers all,
Until the stars fade and heavens fall.

You are the air that I breathe,
The only one I'll ever need.
My soulmate, my partner, my all,
My everything, before whom I fall.

My love for you will never wane,
Through sunshine, storm, or pouring rain.
You are my world, my everything,
The subject of the poems I sing.

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